Pete Edwards of casperelectronics making some noise at Manhattan’s Culturefix in October.

Handmade Music is our party for people who make things that make music. If you create your own musical tools – whether acoustic instruments and soundmakers, hacks, circuit bends, custom Pd and Max patches, electronics, or code – we want to hear from you.

We’re looking for contributors in NYC, Texas, and around the world:

  • Live acts and projects in New York
  • Street team volunteers in NYC and to help organize and promote events in other parts of the planet
  • Live acts and projects for a special South by Southwest Interactive showcase in Austin, Texas with our friends at

1. If you can get to Austin, TX or NYC, tell us about your project or act! And feel free to pass this along to friends, students, and the like. The calls for artists will be ongoing.

NYC + Austin/SxSW call for works 2011 – direct Google Docs form link

2. Be part of Handmade Music anywhere on Earth: Also, while we’ve hinted at this before, 2011 is the year in which I’d like to really help support people trying to organize similar Handmade Music events in other parts of the world, building on regular events in Austin and Toronto and events held in cities like Amsterdam, LA, and Porto, Portugal.

If you’d like to help make Handmade Music grow in your part of the world, you can sign up for that and we’ll send more information (and yes, we welcome volunteers here in the NYC area, too!):

Handmade Music 2011 Global Organizing

Want to know more? Read an explanation of what Handmade Music’s about.