Artists Leisure-B and Usselino collaborated on this Autechre-inspired audiovisual short, filled with pulsing geometric primitives. The work is a kind of A/V composition, the music arranged with abrupt, video-style edits. For fans of Native Instruments’ thick-sounding Massive synth, you also get some free preset downloads in the deal.

With Native Instruments’ software providing the sound palette, Ableton Live became a context for editing the music as you would video:

Leisure: “I tried to approach the composition as “sound design” as possible. Since the video was animated on the BPM (117) and rhythmical accents of “Vose On”, all I really had to do drum wise was find out which accents Usselino had used for his main video events. After creating the drums on those accents, most of the composition was just tweeking knobs and experimenting with note placement.

Since Ableton Live has excellent video support, I could just run the video in the loop region I was working in, and experiment with Native Instrument’s Massive’s great synthesizing capabilities. I usually start of with an init patch, and work my way towards the sound which I feel is fitting for the events in the video. The only exception to this rule however is the second bassline, which originates from Durk Kooistra’s WODAN bass, available for download in his 10 Free Massive Patches”

Watch the video, then check out the presets and more information:
10 Free Massive Patches
Cinema 4D meets Ableton Live: fret_1

More on the visual side, free Cinema4D download, on Create Digital Motion