wildly popular automatic tuning plugin AutoTune is now available in
Audio Unit form, meaning you're no longer reliant on Pro Tools to run
it — Logic, DP, GarageBand, Live, etc. are all fair game on the Mac.
(Antares has ensured compatibility with Apple's validators.)

[via kvraudio]

Great news for native audio, etc., etc. (I'm trying to be upbeat here,
really.) Sure, for people like me the sound of AutoTune is like nails
on a chalkboard, bane of my existence, one of my least favorite things.
So . . . uh . . . please go buy this thing and wildly misuse it, okay?
THAT, in fact, sounds very cool — if Logic just emptied your wallet
and you can't afford AutoTune, try Logic's own Pitch Corrector. There
are some unique distortions possible other than the
most-annoying-of-all 'Cher Effect.' It's best if you don't know what
you're doing and abuse the controls with reckless abandon. Fight the

[Ed: Gee, Don, I don't know why you're being so negative about the
wonders of AutoTune, but welcome to the CDM team and thanks for this