AmpliTube Hendrix

All along the watchtower, Princes kept the Vista: IK’s Hendrix software emulation, now on the newest Windows.

IK Multimedia says its whole product line is now ready for Vista, fully tested across the software line. The latest versions work; if you have an older version, your mileage may vary:

  • Ampeg SVX
  • AmpliTube 2
  • AmpliTube Jimi Hendrix
  • AmpliTube 2 Live
  • Classik Studio Reverb
  • Miroslav Philharmonik
  • SampleTank 2
  • Sonik Synth 2
  • T-RackS
  • T-RackS 24
  • StealthPlug

These are not only tested, but certified under Microsoft’s “Works with Windows Vista” program. IK also has Vista info on their FAQ:
IK Multimedia FAQ

Software compatibility generally hasn’t been as much of an issue as driver compatibility on Vista; we’ve been watching as M-Audio drivers, for one, have slowly crept in. It’s also worth noting that a full six months after the Vista launch, many music vendors still stop short of recommending Vista. That’s not to say some people aren’t happily chugging away on Vista, but there certainly isn’t a sense among many third parties that this is an essential upgrade for music. That to me is disappointing, regardless of how you feel about Vista itself, in that we were promised this upgrade would be significant to the music community. I’d say we’re not just getting a lag, but a general lack of interest. It’ll be interesting to see if an SP1 update (still not formally announced by Microsoft) might turn sentiments around. Updated: Microsoft is in fact promising an SP1 update, though there’s no date and not a whole lot of detail about what’s in it just yet. I would think we’re likely to see a cycle that starts with fixes and adds features in a later update (a la XP SP2).

Still, it’s encouraging to see product support start to fill out — at about six months in, which really isn’t all that atypical for music support on any major OS release.