Our friend Sofie shows off her very own Little Phatty. Now some welcome add-ons: a terrific expression pedal (for any of your Moog gear), an LP editor/librarian, and an LP OS update with [cavernous echo voice mode on] high-resolution MIDI mod.

While on the subject of Moog Music, the good peoples of Moog have a number of small announcements that should be welcome news to Moog fans.

First, the new EP2 Expression Pedal is a hefty (2.55-pound) pedal with adjustable external output level. Heavy-duty build and more expression control could make this one to get at US$44.

EP2 Expression Pedal

Editor librarianMoog also has a couple of announcements for owners of their Little Phatty synth. The Mac/Windows Little Phatty Editor Librarian is a much-needed tool for managing presets and settings on Moog’s synth keyboard, with support for custom preset banks for performance, high-precision (up to 16-bit) sound editing, and even a “Preset Genetics” tools for morphing and mutating old presets into new presets. (Anyone remember Kai’s Power Tools, the groundbreaking visual app for Macs? Okay, I’m getting off-topic.)

The editor is US$69, and a demo is available.

Little Phatty Editor Librarian

In the free category for the Little Phatty, the 1.03c OS update has a small version number but some important features. Biggest among them: high-resolution MIDI data for modulation wheel and filter cutoff (interestingly, both send and receive). I wish more synths would implement this, in software and hardware alike. Also included in the update: some preset saving and MIDI Setup improvements, and most importantly, MIDI Merge and Poly modes. Merge gives you a real Thru; Poly provides the ability to rack together multiple Moog synths into a monster, polyphonic Moog rig, you lucky bastards with your multiple Moogs!

Little Phatty Stage Software; Tribute Software [OS updates, other updates]