Kaizen is the Japanese technique of continuous improvement, and that’s what we’re trying to live by daily on CDM, especially this summer, in ways you should start to notice soon.

One thing readers have requested for some time is a mailing list. Now, these things are typically promotional tools I myself despise, which could explain why I’ve chronically put it off. But instead, we decided to do things a bit differently. CDM Notes is built like an email, so we can share with you – every week to every two weeks – updates that we hope you won’t miss. It comes from my desk (literally), and I write it as though I’m writing an email to make sure you don’t miss anything. We will also sometimes offer sponsored messages, identified as such, that we approve – and that means more income to get more writing and content on the site. (We’re also encouraging our sponsors to focus on stuff that’s useful, too.)

In other words, we’re trying to make a newsletter we want to read. (That makes it a lot less painful to write – trust me.) We sent out a test newsletter some time ago, and were really pleased to hear from a lot of readers that you really liked it.

I think we can do better. So, I’ll endeavor to make each installment a little better than the last. You know – kaizen.

Give it a try, and I hope we’ll keep you on as a subscriber. If you don’t like it, please do send us feedback and we’ll work on making it better – and unsubscribing is one click away.

But if you have ideas for what you want to see, leave them in comments. We’re happy you’re sharing your inbox with us, and we’ll try to make it worth your while.

Sign up for the newsletter below. Emails aren’t used for any other purpose than a weekly-to-biweekly list.

Subscribe to our newsletter

This weekend, I’ll send out the notice at the end of the weekend to give our mailing list time to settle. See you on email – and, as always, right here. Later this month, we’ll have some other updates for ways to keep in touch and keep up with what’s happening on the site, via a variety of tools.