A big thanks to Resolume for their support of coverage on Create Digital Motion this month. We have the final say on which sponsors we work with, and we’re pleased to be building relationships with people we believe in.

One of the trends we see coming is the release of visuals on “labels”, curated and collected just as music records would be, and digested by VJs who appreciate the content. Part of why we’re pleased to work with Resolume is that they’ve long been interested in this, as well. Their material is made by VJs, with a range of experimental and commercial work, it’s properly encoded for drop-in use, and it’s the sort of material you could easily build upon.

The VJs contributing to the Resolume sources include some really terrific folks from the scene, including VJ Anyone and Eyesupply. We’re also fond of the work of the likes of Lucidhouse and Video Word Made Flesh.

You can purchase footage for EUR29-49 in a range of resolutions and formats (NTSC/PAL). But Resolume are also looking for new visualists. So if you’d like to be a producer and not just a consumer, here’s a call for works. Bart van der Ploeg of Resolume writes:

We’d love to meet new people who are interested in releasing footage with us. If they send an email to mail@resolume.com with online samples of their work we’d be very interested.

Send in your stuff if you think you’ve got what it takes, and best of luck!

Resolume Footage