D-func, one third of German DVJ trio Weissgold.TV, picked up a Lemur [on CDMo, on CDMu] a couple of weeks ago, and has put together a fantastic custom interface which controls VDMX [on CDMo] over two machines.

VIDVOX Forums – I finally found my perfect set-up!


VDMX’s UI customization is one of its biggest strengths, allowing you to create the setup which is just right for the job you’re doing. Combining this with the Lemur – a controller whose interface you create to fit the job you want it to do – gives a very sleek, unique setup. Weissgold are projecting on a pyramid, and have a tab of the interface devoted to setting this up:


Here is the screen for the right MBP (pyramid screen). I used memo’s quad warp qz. But I changed the qz file. First I needed two images from one source, because one beamer projects on 2 surfaces (= 2 beamers for 1 pyramid). Second, if you are working with triangles, some corners need to be off the actual screen, to make the transformation large enough. So I had to largen the canvas by 3.
Then I programmed an interface on the Lemur, to easily grab and move the 4 corners with my fingertips. I can switch between the left & the right image. Plus: I can “fine-adjust” each corner with the RingArea.

And the end result? Looks a little like this:

weissgold.TV @ osho, Kiel from Jan R. on Vimeo.