Our Zygote Interactive Balls at the Olympics from Alex Beim on Vimeo.

I’m such a terrible blogger. Here are giant, glowing balls, and I can’t think of a cheeky, snarky, tasteless way to describe them. (Heck, I don’t even know of anything to do with those inflatable beavers at the Olympics.)

Happily, the balls themselves are quite magical. (Wait, maybe I don’t have to do anything to make this post sound funny.)

No, seriously — they are. The Arduino-powered devices go beyond just being raver toys to being something quite lovely. I look forward to hearing more about them. And needless to say, the domain of physical objects is one that’s generally been under-utilized by visualists.

We saw this crew’s work at the opening of the Olympics; now we get the close. From the beginning of the Olympiad:
Digital Graffiti, and Olympic OpenFrameworks for the Gold!

Description from Vimeo — thanks to Alex Beim again for sending in your work:

This is fresh and unedited footage of the Vancouver 2010 closing ceremony.

We have been for a while keeping this a secret, but we can finally let it out now that it has passed.

We have had the tremendous opportunity to have been invited to share Zygote Interactive Ball with the world for the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Closing Ceremony.

Chances are you saw it since millions and millions of people followed the closing on TV.

Zygote is an interactive LED ball that reacts to being tapped or pushed around.

This products was originated in Vancouver in 2006 and has been around the world at very big parties several times, but nothing surpasses this event. We are very proud to have been showcased for this unforgettable moment.

20 of our zygotes were released at the end of the celebration
2.5 billion people saw this on TV and will be the last memory from the Vancouver Olympics

Zygote Interactive Ball is and Arduino based project

Better post soon

