The fever for creating pulsing, organic sequencers from the cellular automaton Game of Life continues. Now, you can get your Game of Life on with the iPhone and iPod touch, transmitting event control via OpenSoundControl. (Despite publishing this on the music site, this could be great as an additional modulator for live visuals with OSC-supporting software like VDMX!)

The developer describes the app:

The application runs a simple cellular automaton on a grid of cells. The cells can be interacted with by touch and triggers of three different colors can be placed on the grid. The automaton can be set to five different rule-sets, from classic Game of Life to simple horizontal or vertical stepping. Triggers are fired by “alive” cells and send their state as OSC messages to a configurable host on the same Wi-Fi network. Cells and triggers can be randomized by shaking the device.

It’s available now on the App Store, US$.99.

SonicLife project page

Thanks, Dustin!

Previous Game of Life goodness (an incomplete list):
Build Your Own Game of Life Sequencer in Processing: Video Featuring rwmidi

Audio Damage Automaton is Here: Artificial Life-Driven, Stuttering Effects Plug-in

Game of Life as Max App

glitchDS: Free Cellular Automaton Music Sequencer

And, of course, there’s Lazyfish’s wonderful newschool Reaktor creation, which I hope to look at more soon.