Roland’s latest handheld boutique synth is a departure. Instead of a synth or drum machine, it was inspired by the SP-404. Here’s the skinny on its onboard sampling, effect, and sequencer features, direct from the source.
Read moreFrom the creator of Strokes, Stacks is a unique 4-voice wavetable morphing polysynth combined with a 4-track granular looper. But that description doesn’t really do it justice: modeling and digital grunge combine to make a raunchy instrument that behaves like an experimental studio.
Take a Raspberry Pi, add a delicious web editor in RNBO, and then – go nuts controlling the iconic Elektron Machinedrum. Cycling ’74 is having a lot of fun with RNBO, their Max patching solution for targeting hardware, plug-ins, and the Web.
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