
Via the Pd announce list, a class of students are doing some pretty sophisticated experiments in design and interaction using Pd. I tend to have my own students focus on Pd for sound-making (since it naturally lends itself to signal flow) and use Processing for visuals (some are also using OpenFrameworks), but I’m impressed with the progress they made.

As students explore sites like, I find that people are being more generous with their code, and – this is brave, I think – even sharing new code, warts and all, as they’re learning.

Have a look. You might learn something, too.

I have just posted a collection of student patches for an interaction design course I was teaching at Emily Carr University of Art and Design.? I hope that the patches will be useful to people playing around with Pure Data in a learning environment, installation artwork and other uses.

The link is:

The patches include multi-area motion detection, colour tracking, live audio looping, live video looping, collision detection, real-time video effects, real-time audio effects, 3D object manipulation and more…

