AV Clash – Tag Mash from Video Jack on Vimeo.

What if you could witness the birth of life at a microscopic level in some alternate, digital universe? And what if it made a deliciously-raunchy racket?

That’s the sense I get looking at AVCLASH, a free audiovisual interactive artwork built in Flash that runs in your browser. The creators describe it to us thusly:

AV Clash (www.avclash.com) is a Web-based project by Video Jack (André Carrilho and Nuno Correia, with Gokce Taskan), which allows for the creation of audiovisual compositions, consisting of combinations of sound and audio-reactive animation loops. The sounds in AV Clash are retrieved from Freesound.org.

I could say more, but check out the video and try it for yourself:

More info:

Vimeo AV Clash album: