We welcome back Cris atariboy Pearson, the Melbourne-based musician and plasq developer/artist, for another installment of Dithered is The New Black. He’ll be checking in weekly with great independent music, much of it free, for taking your playlists to new places:

Hey all. Welcome back to the second edition for this new column. Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming.

This first site is not direct suggestion, but a great way to discover lots of
music. It is a communal site that allows you to share and download
other people have put together. These playlists point to MP3s found for free
all over the Net: Webjay.com

A lot of you probably already know about magnatune.
There is a wealth of great music to be found there. Being addicted to the cello,
I must point you to Claire Fitch’s two albums on magnatune. Ambiencellist 1 & 2 – both great albums to bliss and chill out to. magnatune also offer compilation
of each ‘genre’ to give you a selection of their wares.

Now a suggested link I received after last weeks column. Sam at soplerfo.com has
a couple of really nice releases licensed under Creative Commons so check them
out. I know I’ll be listening to these some more. I also spied this link on
his news page to Gamelan
Angklung music
. After the jump is 3 tracks by 3 winners of a 1989 contest
by Bali Records. Really great stuff and if you like that, scope out the rest
of that site, lots of great
stuff. Ed: Check out that whole site for all kinds of Asian classical music — the kind you find on cassettes from the region. Great stuff! -PK

Finally, if you want more net music food, check out Mark Teppo’s column, BITFLASHING over
at the ever great, igloomag.

Missed last week’s column? Check out DITNB part I!