Producing slick trailers for electronic and audiovisual events has become all the rage lately, it seems. This one from FIBER Festival is especially lovely, in that it sets the darkly moody ambience of the festival, and fuses sound design and motion elements nicely.

Motion by Dennie van Dijk –
Sound by Tijs Ham –

For its part, the festival itself has interesting aims. Rather than sprawling over days (or weeks), everything is packed into a single, explosive day and night. Visual curation is an integral part of the audiovisual lineup – of particular appeal to us at Create Digital Motion. And an intrepid Dutch curation team from musical and visual worlds is fighting head-on what they perceive as the “grim Dutch cultural climate,” in the wake of funding cuts and cultural re-evaluation.

This is a teaser, designed to “tease,” so if you feel you want more optical satisfaction, Fiber have put together a nice Vimeo gallery. While based in Holland, they pull video from around the world:

Fiber also have something they call Fiber Space, an online network – focused largely on the Netherlands, but looking to Europe and beyond – bringing together a variety of audiovisual stimulations, from artists to events. This includes an impressive round-up of Dutch visual collectives and electronic culture:

More on the festival, coming up next month: