Animator Clement Picon, best known for producing a video for Radiohead’s Reckoner, here weaves a beautiful imaginary digital landscape, in textured storybook layers. Leaves explode into rectangles, and the music wends its way from mountainside to underwater sea. We’ve seen some music video charm from j.viewz before in a 2000-photo stop motion masterpiece, and they contact us to send us the latest video wonderland. They’ve since been Grammy-nominated for this album, rivers and homes.

2000 Photos, Held by 300 Fans, Make a Stop-Action Music Video for j.viewz

To refresh your memory, those other videos here, too:

Like the video at top, Picon’s work on Radiohead combines faux-aged filters with organic, flowing shapes to form impossible terrains that seem to grow out of the ground.

Also interesting: Clement Picon was not commissioned by Radiohead, but instead was a contest winner:

Reckoner – Radiohead Contest Winner – Full Version

In March, 2008, aniBoom, together with Radiohead’s label TBD Records, launched the In Rainbows Animated Music Video Contest.
Animators from all over the world competed. Out of over one thousand entries, Radiohead chose 4 grand winners, each winner received $10,000 to complete their submission, this is the final product.

Animation by Clement Picon