Some art requires creative applications of technology in order to refine technique. At top, below: [Processing co-creator] Casey Reas.

Digital minds converge at various places on the globe, but I’m uniquely excited for Resonate Festival 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia. I can think of no other place where this many different kinds of visualism intersect, from generative art to VJing, all wrangled in the crisp curatorial vision of Creative Applications and collaborators Magnetic Field B [NGO] and Dom Omladine.

Oh, and for some reason, they also let me in.

While we’re routinely sent events to promote, I think it’s also worth noting for European readers in that a low ticket price in Belgrade offers a visual conference at which artists can afford to participate – no fat corporate expense account needed – and given the currents of cultural activity at the moment, I think that really matters. It’s not about cheapness: it’s about being able to get emerging creators in the door.

The lineup covers a range of creative technologists, including quite a few names who have appeared before on the site (apart from, naturally, my own):

2013 participating artists include Casey Reas, Joachim Sauter (ART+COM), Zimoun, Moritz Stefaner, Zach Gage, Golan Levin, Raquel Meyers, Anthony Dunne (RCA DI), Revital Cohen, Karsten Schmidt, Spaces of Play, Memo Akten (MarshmallowLaserFeast), Andreas Müller (Nanikawa), James Bridle, Liam Young (The Unknown Fields Division), Andreas Gysin, Greg J Smith, Kyle McDonald, Peter Kirn, Studio NAND, onedotzero and many more..

55 € gets you three days in the early-bird sale.

At CreativeApplications, more info:
Resonate Festival 2013 – Exploring boundaries of art, media and technology

Official site:

Signals [Crop 2] from Casey REAS on Vimeo.