Visual development environment vvvv is at it again, with a worldwide meetup of leading artists – and a ground-up new release, too.

The video starts at 8pm Germany / 6pm NYC / 3pm Cali. The amazing Ekatarina Danilova is there (check this image at top) showing how to work inside WPF and how to set this up for VJing. Plus Christine Meyerhofer & Nils Weger talk about light control and light sculpture, and from Argentina, Andres Alvarez talks about vvvv as a maker – drones and shaders and lasers and DIY goodness.

On YouTube: [updated link]

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vvvv remains a powerful option in this inflection point, as live visual tools become easier, more powerful, and more capable on CPUs and GPUs. And like a lot of the tools we’ve been championing lately, vvvv lets you work visually and live – no stopping to compile code or anything like that. It’s artist-friendly, it works with all hardware, and now – if only it were easier to have audiences or installation visitors. But nevermind, because it remains a great time to hone skills.

And now there’s a new generation. vvvv gamma runs on .NET, which opens up whole new capabilities. You can code with those tools, or continue to work visually first – but with the power of the .NET libraries under the hood. gamma is a ground-up rewrite that has unique powers in 2D, computer vision, device connectivity, CPU multithreading, and more – and you can make your own EXE with it.

Or stick with beta – that’s just what we all called vvvv previously – for all the 3D and audiovisual and projection goodness that community has come to love.

Both run on Windows, but this could be a good reason to run Bootcamp – they even document the process.

Christine Meyerhofer & Nils Weger

Find documentation in a new home, too:

I’m just sad that “boygrouping” is their client-server architecture, and has nothing to do with NSYNC. Oh. Wait, now I get it. So multilayered. Could this finally be the end of the “master/slave” controversy in tech? “Hey, if you set your machine to Lance, I can be Justin and our friend Britney can be Joey.” Hmm, okay, potentially confusing.