
Don’t let this happen to you. Photo (CC-BY) christa connelly.

Recording a screen just isn’t as easy as recording sound, presenting challenges for everyone from visualists documenting work to software imagineers developing software. That means any news in this area on any platform is good news.

CamStudio is an open source project descended from the same codec and codebase that led to the popular commercial Camtasia software. (The plot there is way, way too thick to recall, so I’ll leave it at that.) It’s fully GPL-ed, including the codec. And it’s a nice, lightweight program for doing screen captures. (It’s still no match for the highly-optimized OpenGL and DirectX recorder FRAPS, widely used in the gaming world, but it’s nonetheless worth mentioning here, I think.)

The latest development here is improved support thanks to the generosity of users. From the CamStudio support mailing list, including a “horrendous plug” that I think is a pretty cool idea:

First, is to let you know that the latest CamStudio beta
(v2.6 revision 264) is now available to download from

I’ve setup a dedicated support area for it on the forum here:

Please only use that area to provide reports, bugfixes or ask questions related to 2.6b

We’d especially love to hear feedback from users with a
development background (Visual C++).

Within the next week or so, I’ll be putting up a poll where you
can add and vote for the next features to be added to CamStudio.

The ones that get the most votes, get added next, it’s that simple.

I’ll send over an email with a link when the poll is ready.


Second, is to say a massive thank you to all the people who’ve donated either time or money to help with CamStudio so far this year.

I’m humbled by your generosity especially MK who contacted me over the weekend to donate an MSDN subscription (along with around $10K worth of licenses for almost every piece of software Microsoft has made.)

I’d happily mention his name, but I didn’t tell him I’d mention this publicly and I don’t want to get him into trouble with Mr Ballmer, so I’ll just say a huge “THANKS MK!”

Please know that all your donations, no matter how large or small are warmly welcomed and that’s why I personally reply to every single person who donates, regardless of the amount.


Lastly, a horrendous plug for a new business a buddy and I
have set up (yes I know, but even a Geek’s gotta eat and pay
the bills … ;o) <= Our new project If you need a simple website (a several pages, contact form, blog etc.) for yourself or a business we'll build you one for just five US dollars (conditions apply) If you're in the market for one, check out our site and if you have any questions, email us using the questions link at the bottom of every page.

Apologies to developer Nick for sharing this, but I think this is news our community needs to hear, especially as we have plenty of developers in the room (and quite a few of them on Windows).

If you make use of CamStudio, or other alternatives, let us know. What’s your preferred means of recording your work?