Bitwig is boldly going where other DAW vendors have gone before – making its own audio interface. And there’s control surface integration. But for Eurorack and analog gear lovers, there’s something you don’t normally find: pre-calibrated CV with convenient dedicated minijack connections. (Also: Linux support!)
Read moreIt’s “yo dawg”/Inception time to the max. Not to be outdone by 4ms MetaModule, Autodafe has put all of VCV Rack (specifically its Cardinal fork) into a Eurorack module. Along the way, you’ll learn how to set up Cardinal on Raspberry Pi for any hardware project you might imagine.
Soundhack creator Tom Erbe joins musician-synthesist Sarah Belle Reid for a fascinating dive into the Make Noise Spectraphon, spectral animation, and Buchla history. IYKYK – but if you don’t know, that’s one Hell of a spectral historical West Coast trip.
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