app from aaajiao on Vimeo.

There’s something to be said for presentation. For, a meditative, ambient particle and music application for iOS, simple gestures in fluid “cloud water” are treated inside various frames. In different iterations of the work, originally coded in Processing, the clouds have found themselves on scattered screens, in proscenium-style performance, and most recently, suspended from the ceiling. The result is a different sense of the piece, an impression that what’s on the screen is part of something bigger.

Artist aaajiao shares the work with us. Description:

technical support : shen jiujiu
computer graphics, video editing : aaajiao, liu xiaoguang
sound: nara

In the ancient legend, gestures have different mysterious powers. With these gestures and singings, people may get courage, mercy, intelligence or calm.
Collecting the gesture and touch data to generate and control the cloud. With the music sound, it will give you the mental and emotional balance.

Some of those different versions: app, current installation
aaajiao solo show
Transmediale performance original installation

Side note: if I do ever pick up an iPad, I want it to hang in my house just like this. And yes, you can get the app, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad users:
[iTunes link]

Unrelated, but I also quite like this work by aaajiao!

index information architecture from aaajiao on Vimeo.