4fourths – Game Trailer from Mikengreg on Vimeo.

It’s been a long time coming, but there’s real hope that convergence of lovers of independent, creative game design with audiovisualist aficionados could bring us to a new, game-inspired visual age.

Of course, a good way to start would be for some game designers to start to kick ass with their games. And that means lame trailers simply aren’t an option. For a demonstration of how it’s done, check out the trailer for 4fourths. This winning entrant to the one-button game challenge help by the Kokoromi Collective could pass for a music video instead of a game trailer. The graphics, for their part, manage to focus on simple geometric elements without being “retro.”

Imagine a futuristic club at which patrons jumped into games projected onto giant screens, with visuals so good everyone not playing could dance to them. It could be the 21st Century arcade. (Well, I’ll say this: the Gamma party last week had a crowd of game programmers and designers dancing as well as playing, which is no mean feat.)

More on the Gamma games later this week; I’m pulling together documentation now.

4fourths is a game made by Mikengreg for Gamma IV, a game competition constraining developers to design games played with only 1 button.

Visit the website for more info… 4fourths.com/

Trailer by Johnlikens.com
Game design and programming by Mikengreg.com

Music by Jinder – myspace.com/jindermusic