Start with a chemical process that grows crystals and silicon for semiconductors, build a multi-layered 6-7 voice drum machine around it, cover it with patch points and clusters of knobs and joysticks, and you get the Czochralski cells. It’s a complex drum machine rather unlike anything before it.

This one is the work of “chief design engineer” Kirkis – I don’t have his last name yet – who goes by Destiny Plus. I’m not sure there are any other engineers there, but conceivably you can order instruments from them, even including this one.

Very much simplifying the architecture here, what you get is:

  • Generative cells and pulse matrices and networks, which are fed to sequence, envelope, and timbre/spectra
  • A bunch of envelopes and shapers
  • 6/7-voice architecture for sound
  • Through zero oscillators with phase modulation and I think some ample FM if I’m reading this right
  • Extra modulators (as if it wasn’t wild enough), with various waveforms and S&H / noise, and their own FM inputs

So a whole lot of managed chaos, in other words. Beautiful.

Crystalline, even! (The crystal!)

Check the diagram, as this might inspire your own patching efforts – especially in software, since it’d get a bit spendy doing this in modular hardware!

You may have seen their past creation, the 16 psyche – a massively complex synth that “manifolds a structureless structure at infinite convergence of casual invariance in the frequency domain” – essentially, a configurable unstable sequencer – oscillator system.

There’s also more – a Music Easel card, and this board, attached to a shoe.

Oh yes, and – there’s also this demon moth, to haunt your dreams.

Keep it coming.

Hat tip, reaktorplayer: