Say Goodbye To Useless
Mush Records, Album (full-length)

Easily my favourite electronic album of the year. It’s hard to describe what genre it fits into, just give it a listen!

Suggested by Ycros

Klipmode, Album (full-length)

These guys are so inspiring. Their futuristic hip-hop derivative travels to the edge of acceptable rhythmic deviance and back, with silky synths and fearless style.

Suggested by Chris

When Ra Meets Anzar
DoosC Production, Single

Creative Commons music rules ! I like the way this music is built on free samples with free softwares. It is the sound of a free spirit and it’s freely good !!! When you listen to it, just close your eyes and think about gods, pyramids and ancient egypt… Soniczbra

Suggested by Soniczbra

All You Need Is Now
Duran Duran
Tape Modern, exclusive iTunes album

The new, self-realised, Duran Duran album – produced by Mark Ronson – is a true music gem. It’s not just for the Mark Stent mixing, or the Ted Jensen mastering: this is a real masterpiece on his own – a 9-tracks digital dream which lets you in need for the 14-tracks CD release (coming in February ’11).

Suggested by Franco (no)

Lowin, Album (full-length)

Because I haven’t heard anything like it before, yes that sounds like a cliché but there is always some truth behind a cliché….Imagine a mixed up combination of Sigur Ros, Brian Eno and My Bloody Valentine with a pinch of dub hidden beneath it. Eklin creates dream like soundscapes, without becoming boring or sterile. The female voice is used as an instrument and adds to the eerie atmosphere. Best listened to with headphones on while the sun sets and the night is setting in. Definitely my recommend music from 2010!

Suggested by BjornW

Pop Negro
El Guincho
Young Turks, Album (full-length)

Because it’s fresh and it’s a good example of contamination in music in 2010, mixing a pop attitude with experimentation. Moreover the songs are really good and the use of spanish language doesn’t make them sound latin, the sound is very international instead: spanish language only adds an exotic touch which fits very well with the sound Pablo Diaz-Reixa (aka El Guincho) offers to the public

Suggested by pierlu

Location Momentum
Important Records, Album (full-length)

Because It’s what I like in music, bass and minimalism.

Suggested by Filip Skubal

Does It Look Like I’m Here?
Editions Mego, Album (full-length)

Unbe­liev­ably beau­ti­ful, cap­ti­vat­ing synth music from a band I’d not even heard of when the year began. If the 80s had sounded like THIS, per­haps we wouldn’t have needed so much hair gel.

Suggested by Michael Heumann

So Kimpsey
Eskimo Spy
Hospice Media, EP

My favorite thing about this album is that there’s so much attention to detail. I feel like a lot of electronic artists fall into the loop mentality where they just loop things until they feel it’s looped enough. With Eskimo Spy, there is almost no repetition, he’s constantly throwing new things at you. Definitely worth a listen for fans of Clark (especially Boddy Riddle). And it’s free to boot!

Suggested by Isaac Halvorson