How To Destroy Angels
How To Destroy Angels
How To Destroy Angels, EP

There is Trent Reznor behind this project… Do I really need to say more? 😀

Suggested by Antonio Bonifacio

iamamiwhoami, Multimedia Campaign

It’s well produced, seems to be self funded, is mostly anonymous… And the live streaming concert was missed by most but was brilliant.

Suggested by Wantless

Midnight Colour
Ital Tek
Planet Mu, Album (full-length)

It’s dubstep but it’s nicely restrained, with IDM-y melodies and warm synth tones.

Suggested by Mike Verdone

Something in the sky
Jeff Mills, A series of EP (from 1 to 6)

Jeff Mills is a god at making what i like to call infinite loops : relative short loops that you can listen again and again without being bored. Repetition + slightly changes act as an hypnotic state trigger. To experience this you need to calm down, close your eyes (if you are not enough recepteive to this music), and focus on it. It creates a kind of carpet for your mind, a sort of private garden cut from time that you can explore in sync with music. Yeah, it’s wicked, and it’s why i love it. Best 2010 sonic experience for me. By the way, Mills create 7 tracks per night. Yes, 7.

Suggested by Cyril

black n white
John Jones Music, Album (full-length)

John Jones delivers some of the best songs of 2010 in his release black n white. A Grammy Award Winner , John demonstrates once again his songwriting craft. He even covers 21st Century Man in an original way.

Suggested by Pierce

Jon McMillion LP
Jon McMillion
NuEarth Kitchen, Album (full-length)

Really good experimental house music. Very far out arrangements and samples.

Suggested by Michele’

Just A Band
Just A Band, Album (full-length)

Just because it’s awesome (what else is there?). I also like the idea of a high tech cultural renaissance happening in Kenya, a country I know almost nothing about aside from predictable preconceptions.

Suggested by Edshugeo The GodMoor

Margins EP
Black Acre, EP

Well honestly I have been paying very little attention to Music in 2010 but just discovered Kelpe this year. I was really into his 2008 record Ex-Aquarium and also dug his 2009 record Cambio-Wechsel, and while I like Ex-Aquarium best of all his releases I am really liking this Margins EP and would like to assist in his exposure to more ears. He also put out an EP recently called Chocolate Money, but I like Margins better than that too.

Suggested by jonnyfive not currently

Chocolate Money EP
Fremdtunes –, EP

As I said Earlier, I discovered this guy this year and was really into his 2008 effort Ex-Aquarium, and prefer the Margins EP he also released in 2010, but after relistening to both maybe I do like this better? Hard to say, both are good, *you* decide, he has SoundCloud teasers for both EPs on his site. (You’ll have to scroll down for Margins EP)

Suggested by jonnyfive not currently

Kollektiv Turmstrasse
, Album (full-length)

As an audiophile I really appreciate it when artists push the boundaries of electronic music and the frequencies of sound they create. It is always a joy to come across talent, especially one foreign in nature, and to be introduced to their entire musical catalog previously unheard of. As a band that continues to create what they want without submitting to mainstream pop music standards, I have the utmost respect of them and their dream.

Suggested by Mobius