Nosaj Thing
Album (full-length)

those wicked sound in every part of his song

Suggested by Satria A Anggapraja unfinishedbattleship.tumblr.com

Nourish My Fame
Nourish My Fame, Album (full-length)

NMF made album which give off a lot of ideas/feelings in pop/alternative/experimental way. It’s almost like a music for everyone: easy, deep, complex and diverse. Whole art and release is DIY.

Suggested by Petr Shau

Samael Makaw
Self Released, EP

A hardware boy from Perth, Western Australia, whose live shows are visual and unpredictable. He is a one man comeback for glitch music.

Suggested by Tomas Ford http://tomasford.com

Karhu Ja Tiikerini
oliver blank
oliver blank, Album (full-length)

a wondrously brilliant album. the simplicity, the emotion, the talent are to the fore in this haunting album – some really amazing moments in there; the early track break fast is something that just is destined to be played over and over again, the organs on riihimäki’ are fantastic – the overall atmosphere of the album stays with you & suits this snowy weather perfectly 🙂

Suggested by darren webb

History of Modern
Orchestal Manoeuvres in the Dark
Album (full-length)

I really liked this album. I’m 19 and wasn’t around in the 80’s, but I still grew up with OMD (as well as Depeche Mode, Erasure, and Pet Shop Boys). I didn’t know what to expect with this release. I was caught off guard at how solid this album was. I think OMD often gets buried by Depeche Mode and similar bands (which is understandable) however, if given a chance, I think people would find that OMD is a very rewarding band to listen to. Perhaps even stronger than their fellow synthpop bands.

Suggested by Alex Chopelas

I’m Running Hence
Paper Thin Stages
Paper Thin Stages, Album (full-length)

Here’s a review I wrote of it if you want to excerpt any of this: Paper Thin Stages – I’m Running Hence. First, a little opinionated history: PTS were one of the finest and most ruthlessly self-challenging bands I’ve ever had the good fortune to come across. In their time together, they evolved from a calmly melodic indie rock quartet to a jagged, highly structured post-punk trio, and continued pushing their own boundaries until they ended up neck-deep in dense improvised noise collage experiments with circuit-bent electronics and loop samplers playing the primary roles. Their stylistic shifts sometimes happened too quickly for even dedicated fans to keep up; like formative post-punks Wire, they often tired of their old material before anyone even had a chance to catch on to it (old being a highly relative term, usually meaning people have heard this once or twice). By the end of their time together, in 2008, they had jettisoned the idea of songs entirely and were busy engaging in drawn-out 15-minute-plus noise jams that expanded and stretched noisily over the horizon and out of view, with live shows varying wildly between hypnotic drone success and catastrophic miscommunicative failure, as they walked (and occasionally fell off) the improvisational tightrope. During this time, their studio work took a drastic shift as well, as they began recording nearly every practice and piecing albums together after the fact, using the practice takes as raw material and chopping/editing/sculpting them into discrete pieces. The records that resulted (Flying Hearse, Magnum Puce, and the best one, Magic Jar of Jar of Animal), contained some unique and inspired deconstructivism, but they also abandoned PTS’s unique compositional strengths almost completely. Before things went quite that far, though, there was a point where they had started experimenting with extended song forms and soundscapes but hadn’t yet entirely abandoned composition and traditional songcraft. In June of 2007, they played a set at the Middle East Upstairs that included only three songs in its 35 minute runtime, but it was a perfect balance of composed songwriting and experimental drone. It was among the best live sets I’ve ever seen, by any band at any level. But there were only one or two more shows in that idiom before these songs were discarded and PTS went into their 100% improvisation phase. When Paper Thin Stages called it quits at the end of 2008, I figured that was it. I’m Running Hence, then, is the very best of surprises: an album that I always wanted to hear but that I never really expected would exist. It contains the three tracks I heard at that show in 2007 and five others, recorded in 2007 and finally mixed and completed now in 2010. Like PTS’s earlier work, I’m Running Hence is diligently structured; the interplay between the different parts sounds intentional, written and conceived as such, premeditated instead of a happy studio accident. But at the same time, the music breathes and shifts unpredictably, with hard-panned synths and noise boxes bubbling up and squawking over confrontationally-long percussion breaks, only for a wall of guitars to smash back in and drag everything home with harmonized vocals that call back to the hook that started the song. It’s a perfectly balanced merging of this band’s many skills, and it’s the best record I’ve heard all year. On top of that, I’m Running Hence, along with the rest of Paper Thin Stages’ catalog, is free to stream or to download: http://paperthinstages.bandcamp.com/album/im-running-hence Please have a listen.

Suggested by mike www.hexmap.net

Album (full-length)

Most inspired album of 2010.

Suggested by Nicholas Binder www.myspace.com/voyagermusix

Fallen Light
Afterglo, Album (full-length)

A predominantly chilled dubstep vibe with some mellow guest vocals

Suggested by Steve Jesus

Edith Piaf
Pomplamoose, You Tube Video Song Style

They do covers but oh what covers they are, plus watching these videos is so insightful into creative studio techniques. Also check out Jacks channel for more of a rock vibe http://www.youtube.com/user/jackcontemusic Then when your done with that he has tutorials for his video techniques at this link http://www.videosongsblog.com/2010/04/jack-conte-interview/ as Im pretty sure you will wonder about one or another Nataly does all the video editing for the Pomplamoose stuff.

Suggested by David Prouty Nope

just about any – it’s all good
YouTube videos, Video

Great pop songs and arrangements, fun videos with a unique twist, and (specifically of interest to CDM) a low-budget DIY vibe.

Suggested by Jim Aikin www.musicwords.net