What unites the Green Bay Packers, Spina bifida, Maschine drum machines, miniBrute, a Milwaukee charity, and a 13-year-old girl?

Well, this video.

It’s easy to forget that music technology isn’t just about making a handful of superstars. Music making can be an essential part of expression for just about anyone, whether music is their primary professional vocation or not. And the tools we have now are part of being able to express ideas – not only in the way traditional music can, but with the same tools kids grow up hearing on records. It’s obvious, it’s essential … and yet it’s too often overlooked.

So, both 13-year-old Kelly and star American football quarterback Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers love and make music – Kelly sings and plays; Aaron strums the guitar. And music is an ideal vessel for talking about how kids with disabilities can do the things they want to do.

Of course, an NI Maschine, a laptop running Logic Pro X, an Arturia miniBrute synth doubling as MIDI controller – these are as natural as the mic and guitar to the process.

It seems any chance we get to share how to use these tools, we should.

A great story and what appears to be a great charity; more details:

Thanks to Dave Olson for sending this in on our Facebook page.