Wall•E Loves Noise Toys (part 1) from Gian Pablo Villamil on Vimeo.

This Thursday night, if you’re in NYC, you’ll want to be in Brooklyn – and around the world, stay tuned as always to CDM.

Handmade Music projects will again explode into the nerdster party in Brooklyn, with more ways to get involved worldwide. The science fair-meets-music lounge event hits Thursday night, and this time, you can walk home with your very own noisemakers – no musical or electronic experience required.

Tristan Perich, composer, sound artist, inventor, and 1-bit music maker will be onhand from Loud Objects to share the Noise Toy kit. He’ll walk you through making one, talk about how it works, and we’ll make a little racket.

And once we get a few of those kits made, you’ll be welcome to join in an impromptu Noise Toy Ensemble!

If you fancy higher-fi, digital music and virtual reality, we’ve got you covered, too, with a whole bunch of software projects.

  • Noise Toy workshop with Loud Objects / Tristan Perich: Learn how this cheap kit can make glitchy sounds like Bzzzzrrrreeeeepehkhkhkhhhhhhhk! Workshop + kits – make one for free, $10 suggested donation to take it home!
  • Force fields: Pulsantes is pulsating musical sequencer software with interconnected rings and force fields generating rhythms, created by Spanish artist Jaime Munarriz. (Jaime can’t be there, so I’m bringing his work!)
  • Nintendo instruments and organic musical chemistry: glitchDS is a free cellular autamaton-based musical sequencer, ported from Nintendo DS to PC/Mac – this and other sound toys by Bret Truchan.
  • Artificial musical realities: jReality is a Java library for creating real-time interactive audiovisual apps in 3D, with fully three-dimensional sound and visuals, motion tracking, stereo projection, and more. Peter Brinkmann shows off the work of the jReality project, including his own sound components.
  • Wireless Sound Objects by Eric Beug are the equivalent of a wire-free modular synthesizer, for improvisation, performance, and education.
  • Free business-card kits for exploring basic sound circuitry from PAiA didn’t ship in time for last month’s event, but they’re here now — get your free kit while they last, then draw your own sound controllers with pencils!

Presented by createdigitalmusic.com with our friends at music trend-setters XLR8R.com, DIY bible makezine.com, and self-made marketplace Etsy.com

Hosted by artists’ facility and happening location 3rd Ward

7:30pm, Thursday, March 19 – FREE!
3rd Ward is located at 195 Morgan Ave., at the corner of Stagg St., in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
(near the Grand St L train)
RSVP: handmade@3rdward.com

More on the projects – and many of these are available online, so I’m still working on ways of holding virtual Handmade Music parties, too.

Noise Toy Kits

with Tristan Perich (Loud Objects)

Bzzzzrrrreeeeepehkhkhkhhhhhhhk! Build your own Noise Toy with this kit from electronic noise group the Loud Objects. Plug in your headphones and glitch out, or jack into an amp
and play it as an instrument. These kits come with a custom-printed circuit board, a noise generating microchip from their live performances, two buttons for modulating the sound, headphone jack and battery.

We’re asking for $10 parts if they keep the toy, and they’re welcome to just make them for free if they want.

We’ll jack in noise toys to the mixer for the end of the evening to make a Noise Toy Group Performance! Stick around (maybe have a couple of beers if that helps your Noise Toy technique).

Wireless Sound Objects

by Eric Beug

Wireless Sound Objects are like the modules of a modular synthesizer, exploded into individual physical objects that provide an engaging way to experience unique, collaborative, musical process. They exist as a variety of objects that either make sound or control the sound that other objects are making. These objects can interface with a computer, with other existing music hardware or be used as a stand alone system. They can be used for performance, recording composition, improvisation, and education.

Wireless Sound Objects

jReality: Virtual-Reality Audiovisuals

Sound for the jReality environment by Peter Brinkmann

jReality is a Java library for creating real-time interactive audiovisual applications with three-dimensional computer graphics and spatialized audio. Applications written for jReality will run unchanged on software and hardware platforms ranging from desktop machines with a single screen and stereo speakers to immersive virtual environments with motion tracking, multiple screens with 3D stereo projection, and multi-channel audio. I would like to present an overview of the capabilities of jReality as well as a discussion of its design, with an emphasis on audio.

jReality: http://www.jreality.de/

VisorLab: http://math.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/pages?name=VisorLab

GlitchDS to Roland TR-606 Sync Using Nintendo DS Trigger Mod from LifeInABox Productions on Vimeo.

glitchDS Comes to the PC + Mac

by Bret Truchan

This is Bret. ( I made glitchDS, repeaterDS, cellsDS, and Quotile-Sequencer). I’ve nearly complete with a cellular automaton MIDI sequencer written in Processing for the PC and Mac. It’s modeled after glitchDS. Same look, similar controls, etc. I made it mostly for myself but I’ll be releasing it free very soon. I read about your Handmade Music night and think it’s going to be great fun.

I’m bringing a netbook loaded with the new sequencer and a MachineDrum.


by Jaime Munarriz

Pulsantes is a Processing work in progress. Simple pulsating objects generate rythms within their inner structure, visible by their coloured rings, and they are interconnected, sending messages to each other.

At the moment, messages stop/start other pulsantes. I’ve tried an slaving relationship, with a dominant imposing his own tempo to others when they move nearby.

The background acts as a force field. One idea, implemented at some of the sketches, is to alter the way the pulsantes react to this forces, being atracted or repelled. The performer can change this, converting the environment into an instrument. I plan to include wind, explosions, that you can control when performing with this system.

Check out this project (among others):