Cycling ’74 has made the final version of Jitter 1.6 for Mac (and its corresponding SDK) available, concluding a public beta test. You can download the beefed-up new Jitter for Mac as a free update, provided you own Jitter 1.5. Intel Mac owners, this is the release you’ve been waiting for, with native support for Intel Macs. (See also Max/MSP 4.6.) But there are other features, too: better shader support, audio/video recording, multiple instances of 3D objects, Mac Image Unit support, more Java and JavaScript, plus bugfixes and OpenGL improvements.

We’ve looked previously at what’s new in this release:

What’s New and Cool in Jitter 1.6: OpenGL 3D and Video Goodies, More

Now, we’re just waiting on a Windows release, which is due “soon.” I’m holding out for uyvy video support on Windows. Fingers crossed.