Working in open source code for any platform, Brazilian artist and developer Jeraman has produced a charming project that imagines musical interfaces in dynamic, whimsically-simple sketches. Like doodled knobs, cartoons of guitar pedals, interactive devices on the touchscreen control musical activity.

And because it’s open, cross-platform code, everything from a computer-powered multitouch table to an Android tablet could get in on the fun. Jeraman explains:

It is a digital musical instrument that allows the control of real-time recorded loops through collaborative performances based on relationships between sketches and sounds, intended to be ludic and playful.

Developed in Processing and OpenFrameworks, it mixes multitouch technologies with the interaction metaphor of guitar pedals, by using a FTIR DIY multitouch table – built with PVC tubes, tapes… – with a modified old keyboard as pedal, following a high-end / low-tech approach.

Here’s an example of performance using an early prototype. By the way, sorry for the poor musical quality… I’m not a professional musician!

The project is also open source and the code, that may allow the instrument to be ported to others plataforms like Android, iPad and cardboard boxes (yes! using this, will be released soon.

This is possible due to the independence of the gui module (developed in processing) and the looper module (developed in openframeworks).
for the communication between both, it was used OSC protocol.

Some pictures can be found at:

For further informations, check this site (sorry, in Portuguese):

It’s a fascinating-looking project! Do keep us posted, Jeraman — and readers, if you happen to play with the code, let us know! Oh, and never apologize for Portuguese – it’s a gorgeous language!

See also some nice examples of Jeraman’s previous work:

See, previously:
Robotic Twitter Songwriter Generates Tweet Poetry