The Bottle from White Kanga on Vimeo.

Part of the pleasure of writing daily is, while it may seem dangerously easy to become caught up in the moment, you get to watch as work iterates. Like those diaries they sell to proud parents, you can mark as a baby grows up.

And the work of Poland’s White Kanga just keeps getting better. The ingredients, as we’ve covered before, are TouchDesigner, a moving camera, and tracked motion, combined with projection mapping.

It’s just with a bottle, they look even more damned cool. (Thanks to everyone who sent this in.)

Now, can anyone think of a commercial opportunity for this work? I can’t. None at all.

Previously: Automatically Projection Mapping a 3D, Moving Object: White Kanga Show Stunning Tech

And, via comments on that story, see MIT research and Kyle McDonald talk.

I remain mystified that commenters post previous work as if it’s some sort of slight on my part, as if I can only talk about things that have no connection to the past. To me, these connections to the past – and ongoing iteration – are a great thing. Knowing the past is therefore even more useful, so whatever your motivation, please do keep sending in these other references!