Minecraft, your latest somewhat bizarre drum machine? Believe it. Gamer meisterjaan sends us this mod of Minecraft into a music tool, and the results are kind of hilarious / terrifying.

Watch, as meisterjann combines an arrangement of Minecraft blocks with some classic Moog Music Moogerfooger and Electro-Harmonix Memory Man stomp effects:


Using note blocks, redstone, repeaters and sounds of montsers in Minecraft in combination with hardware effects to make something similar to music. The gameplay and effects are recorded in one take as a stereo recording. Not quite my new favorite DAW yet but quite fun 🙂

This isn’t the most far-fetched Minecraft – music tool mash-up we’ve seen yet, though. That’ll be the 2010 mod that went the other direction – someone created a Minecraft clone inside Ableton Live, just because.