Lego NordPosts had gotten thinner over the past couple of months (do I ever know that pressure), but if you missed the torrents of blog entries over on Music thing, blogger Tom Whitwell has sprung back into action. And, as usual, he’s got lots of great goodies. Among my favorites:

A Nord Modular made of Legos
Ten Entertaining Videos about Max/MSP (Not to be confused with 32 Short Films about Glen Gould, made back in 1993 before the Web and digg had made “x-number lists” of things hot.)

Tom also notes that CDM and Music thing were each mentioned in PC World’s 100 Blogs We Love. Thanks, PC World!

Updated: Retro Things beloved, too! James Grahame, friend of CDM and occasional CDM contributor, is also in the PC World roundup, for Retro Thing. Nice to see some of our favorite, lesser-known (compared to the likes of Boing Boing) blogs making the cut in the mainstream press!