VJing with flickr? Clubbing with Yahoo Maps? Flash/Flex and Apollo-based apps present some interesting new ideas. We’ve been tracking the excellent Flash 9-based Onyx VJ tool, among others, and it’s nice to see the “open source Adobe-based VJ app” category growing. Mute is very early in development, perhaps not as far along as Onyx, but here’s a quick look at what it offers:

  1. Multiple filters and layering options, unlimited scalability (as with Onyx)
  2. Lovely, easy controls with contextual help
  3. Windows-compatible now, but Mac and Linux support coming
  4. flickr and Yahoo Maps support for unusual content
  5. Fully open source (meaning these projects could merge / fork into other things — check out that source!)

You can grab the Windows beta now, or inquire about Mac compatibility.

Mute VJ Project Page

I like the open source idea here, because so many visualists are developing their own projects and need a way of integrating them without reinventing the wheel. In sound software, this is pretty easy — just route audio from one place to another. But in visual software, you need everything to be integrated on the same output to the display, even more so if you’re not using a mixer (and many of us computer-based folks aren’t).

Let us know if you’ve got projects of your own or want to share more about Mute or other tools.

Video overview from the product creators:

Thanks to Yansky for the great tip!