Demo on using Processing with Ruby, by Jason Cale. Photo (CC-BY-SA) valakirka.

The Processing Wiki has just launched on the official Processing site:

Via Casey Reas’ blog (which has more notes on the wiki)

It’s a great place to start looking for information, particularly when it comes to FAQs, troubleshooting, and getting started developing. Some of the code snippets are, in my view, a bit dated; they’ve been ported from the Processing Hacks site started by Tom Carden and Karsten Schmidt, and I’m not certain that all represent current “best practices.” (For the OpenGL examples, I’d start out with the fantastic GLGraphics library before touching any other OpenGL code!)

On the other hand, having a single, centralized wiki means that information can be added and fleshed out by the community, and some of those hacks have been cleaned up and are worth revisiting. Some of my favorites:
Color blending with OpenGL
Draw to off-screen buffer
Sin/cos look-up table [must-read — the essential technique for providing smooth easing and other oscillator-style motion]
Advanced OpenGL
Interviews with Aaron Koblin, Robert Hodgin – ideal places to begin for inspiration

In other news, I’m not sure when this happened, but I see Processing is now hosted on Google Code:

Lastly, don’t miss the excellent Tools functionality now available from the Processing IDE (“sketchbook”); it’s at last a way to extend the beautifully-minimal sketchbook application with your own set of features to aid rapid development. There’s a nice, friendly tutorial to get you going:

Now, it’s long past time I organized some of my own information on Processing. I think the ideal would be to give some of that to the wiki, and put some of it here on CDM/Noisepages. I’ve been promising it for some time, but as I’ve been teaching, I’ve managed to battle-test more of that information. So now’s the perfect time to ask: how do you prefer to learn? Do you want video alongside text? How do you like things organized?

In fact, I think part of what’s held me back is some uncertainty about the best way to format sets of mini-tutorials and code examples. So I’d love some feedback. Shout away, or contact me privately.