None of this is legal or licensed… or real. Some of it is straight-up impossible. But this fanciful library of fictional KORG volca series mods is ridiculous enough that you may find yourself wanting some.

It’s the latest testament to how much people love the small, rectangular, battery-powered volca series. Despite one very noisy brand trying to monopolize affordability, it was really KORG who ushered in the current wave of inexpensive analog hardware synths, after a period when the breed had all but disappeared outside DIY/hobbyist circles. That started with the monotron and monotribe, but the volca series captured hearts through the sheer variety of models, lots of new designs, and compact, playable form factors. The appetite for new volcas also seems to persist because KORG tried lots of new ideas. It’s a reminder that we aren’t limited to the designs of the past.

Well, so while we’re at it, why not cease to be limited by … uh, anything at all? At least in Photoshop-land.

On volca keys mods alone, Henri went a bit… mad. A bit.

A&D Henri Kalenius has been posting regularly to the massive (unofficial) volca group on Facebook. It’s basically a fan art series, but it’s… awesome.

Honestly – trust me, once you get started down this clickhole, you will keep … going my God … it’s full of KORGs … (cue Ligeti and wait to completely lose your mind and any notion of past, present, and future)

That’ll be following Instagram:

And the Facebook page:

Doomscrolling is done. Volcascrolling is in. There are conceptual volcas. Made-up nonsense volcas. Licensed volcas. Accessories (some of them even a bit practical, believe it or not). But while you really need to see them all, here are a few of my favorites.

Come on Barbie, let’s go … Frequency Modulate!

Furry Wookie volcas? (This is I believe correct Wookie language, no?)

Cornerstand is actually a build-able, very clever volca console. Sexy.

The Minecraft model hilariously has cube knobs. No, they’re not an especially good idea, certainly not spaced like this but… we’re here for the insane brainstorming, aren’t we? Actually, maybe we could psych that company I didn’t mention earlier into replacing their knobs with them.

IKEA volca. IKEA has famously partnered with Teenage Engineering, but not ona synth … yet.

Um, laserbow. So we have seen laser harps around these parts now and again but… well, wow, yes.

Mastermind is an interesting concept he came up with earlier this year, which actually does resemble some 80s consoles around music making. (I’m thinking specifically of the Philips PMC 100 portable.)

With the same notion to adapting volcas to production and arrangement, meet the volcamiga, though it mainly just adds to how much I already covet the Polyend Tracker. The balls (lower right)… (seriously, prepare to burn an afternoon on all the details in these images…)

McModular. Oh, I did actually read all the small print. This will be one fairly expensive Happy Meal, which I have to read as a challenge to make a synth out of some Happy Meal toys, somehow.

It’s utterly silly, but I have a feeling people would buy KORG volcas in Tetris shapes if they were available.

And as the grand finale for now, how about a Walkman that is also a volca?

If I can track down the artist for some other feedback, I will. Meanwhile, go bury yourselves in what is clearly the world’s wildest conceptual synth artist right now.

And, you know, KORG, feel free to headhunt this person and turn our world completely upside down.

Too good for our world.