The video for C-Mon & Kypski‘s “More is Less” is currently being created from the tastiest of building blocks. The piece is crowdsourced, designed in a way which is eminently viral, gets fans involved, and yet doesn’t really cost the filmmakers much, beyond the back-end programming required to make it all happen.

Of course, the back-end requirements for the piece are not insubstantial, but the execution is flawless: A flash application chooses a frame for you, and cross-fades it with your webcam input so you can get your pose matched up correctly. The capture has a countdown, and allows you to re-shoot your frame if you didn’t get it right the first time.

When you’re done, the system allows you to link to your frame (post yours in comments, here’s mine), so the sharing is more personal.

A cynical capitalization on viral culture? Perhaps, but an impeccably produced one.

One Frame Of Fame, directed by Roel Wouters & Jonathan Puckey, with tech by Martijn Pannevis.