Resolume Avenue 3 Introduction from Bart van der Ploeg on Vimeo. If you’re interested in audiovisual performance as well as audio, here’s an app to keep an eye on. Resolume “Avenue” 3, announced today, is a ground-up rebuild of a popular VJ app. Now, things like GPU-native video may not mean much to the musical […]
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Event Report: Live Performers Meeting, Roma 2008
The fifth edition of LPM brought 240 visualists from around Europe to the edgy splendour of Rome’s Mattatoio di Testaccio for a four day program incorporating 60 a/v performances and 60 vj sets. With a peer-to-peer philosophy and an open-submissions program, it was really encouraging not only to see practitioners in the field get to […]
Read more →Trinity’s Indamixx, Fully Mobile Music Studio with EnergyXT and Ardour – Take Note, Developers
Trinity, the folks who have been pushing the notion of a Linux-based handheld audio studio for some time now, have launched a full product today. It’s called the Indamixx Mobile DAW, and it’s a full software studio running on Samsung’s Q1 Ultra (formerly known as an Ultra Mobile PC). In fact, it might more accurate […]
Read more →Radiohead Makes House of Cards Video with 3D Plotting, Processing; Gives You the Data
Who would have imagined seeing a music video on Google Code? Welcome to the new age of data visualization. Radiohead’s new video uses 3D images capture from two scanners – one a close-proximity 3D scanner from Geometric Informatics, another a multiple-laser array for the “exterior scenes” rotating in a 360-degree pattern. That yields just data, […]
Read more →Journal: The Mind Meld Audiovisual Retreat in New England
Last month, I was lucky enough to head to a gathering of music and visual artists at the studio of artist Duncan Laurie in Jamestown, Rhode Island, accompanied by performances in Providence and Boston. Among the cast: Richard Devine, Josh Kay (Phoenicia/Schematic), Steve Nalepa, Todd Thille (Synesthete), Vidvox’s David Lublin, Josh Randall (Robotkid/Harmonix), Aerostatic, Brian […]
Read more →v002 Screen Capture Available: GPU-Accelerated Mac Inter-App Sampling
CDMotion contributor vade has posted the first release of his v002 Screen Capture tool, which allows video from the screen (including video, 3D — anything output to OpenGL) to be routed between applications. It all happens on the GPU, which means it’s very, very fast. In vade’s words: v002 Screen Capture allows you to capture […]
Read more →Snow Leopard Promises QuickTime X
In case you haven’t seen, Apple has made a vague public mention of Snow Leopard, the next major release of OS X. Cost: unknown. Availability: a year out, roughly. Contents: "quality" improvements. (I talk about some of the confusion Apple’s software strategy has caused over on Create Digital Music.) Here’s the visualist tidbit: on the […]
Read more →Wanted: Experiences Self-Sourcing the x0xb0x
Retraction: I reported earlier today that the x0xb0x has been “discontinued.” Actual status: the x0xb0x is still being made, but the waiting list is long enough that even some people already on the list may never see one, let alone new additions. Whatever happens, that means if you want a x0xb0x, you probably want to […]
Read more →Mainstream Multi-Touch is Coming, And It’ll Rock for Music
Video: Multi-Touch in Windows 7 When I reviewed JazzMutant’s Lemur at the end of 2005 (printed in the February 2006 Keyboard Magazine), I wondered if what we were really waiting for wasn’t a computer screen. At the time, I wrote: There’s no question that multi-touch touchscreens represent the future of computer interfaces, and the Lemur […]
Read more →New Turntablism Concepts: Touchscreen Decks, Crossfader Samplers, Needles
We’re seeing more and more unique ideas for reimagining DJing and the two-turntable setup. Here are two examples from opposite ends of the spectrum: one employs a non-traditional interface to do traditional DJing in a new way, while the other uses the traditional interface to produce new DJ techniques. To me, the latter is more […]
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