16-Week-Old Baby Plays Animoog on iPad, Spins Hypnotic, Trippy Solo

Deep thought: if this is what this young person’s baby toy looks like, what will his computer look like? Father Matt Durant writes to share a surprisingly spacey, expressive solo by his 16-week-old baby son: My baby son, Austin, touched an iPad for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I loaded up Moog’s […]

Doom 3, Game Engine and Rendering, Now Under GPL Open Source License

3D developers had real reason to be thankful last week, on the occasion of American Thanksgiving. Doom 3, after some wrangling, was set free with a GNU GPL open source license. The game data itself isn’t free, covered by the existing proprietary EULA, but you get all the logic and rendering of the game on […]

In Korg iKaossilator 2, Beatmaker for iPad, iPhone, Extended Collaborative Features

The stream of iPad and iPhone apps for musicians gushes endlessly, but among that river of software, there are some visible trends. Demanded by users, features for sharing between apps – and other mobile artists – flourish. Hardware heavyweight KORG has been one of the developers that’s been especially good at offering that kind of […]

For a Deaf Artist, The Process of Sound Art, Transformed: Short Film

Revealing a deeper understanding of what sound means in our world, how it works as “currency” and “ghost,” Performance Artist Christine Sun Kim explores sonic media without the benefit of hearing. She finds how to make its presence more physical, to find greater dimensions of movement, and to make a personal connection beyond what most […]

What’s on Your Holiday Wish List – Beyond the Usual Suspects? (Open Thread)

Disco Christmas! Photo (CC-BY) paparutzi. Yes, it’s that gift-y time of year again, which naturally means among lovers of music technology, thoughts turn to gear wishes and dreams of new hardware. We’ve asked in the past what readers want in their stockings and presents – and, just as interestingly, what they’d give to others. And […]

Diaspora: On a Fledgling, Open Social Network, Users Gather to Make Noise

Diaspora is an attempt to build a social network that contrasts with the locked-garden vision of Facebook, one built on open source software, open exchange of information, and distributed – rather than centralized – communication. I already let slip that we’ll be rebooting our own social endeavor, Create Digital Noise, in the new year. But […]

Projection Mapping Meets Stop Motion in Wild New Music Video 'Suburbia'; How it Was Done

What happens when projection mapping and stop motion come together and make sweet, visualist love? Watch “Suburbia,” the charming, percussive music video, populated by mysterious birds and aquatic dino skeletons, to find out. The ingredients: VJ app Vidvox VDMX plus easy Mac map-anything tool MadMapper. Robert Jarvis explains how he did the video for band […]

Projection Mapping Meets Stop Motion in Wild New Music Video ‘Suburbia’; How it Was Done

What happens when projection mapping and stop motion come together and make sweet, visualist love? Watch “Suburbia,” the charming, percussive music video, populated by mysterious birds and aquatic dino skeletons, to find out. The ingredients: VJ app Vidvox VDMX plus easy Mac map-anything tool MadMapper. Robert Jarvis explains how he did the video for band […]

Easy, Durable Contact Mics How-To, with Sample Audio

You’ll find plenty of contact mic tutorials floating around the Web, but bassling (Jason Richardson) – working with a learned technique – has what I think is a really nice example, one that sounds really good. It’s easy to do, but unlike a popular tutorial (and one I’ve tried myself), you won’t wind up dis-assembling […]

Beatboxing, Crowd-funded Wearable Open Source Beatjazz: Onyx’s Transformation Continues

When we last saw Onyx Ashanti, he was speaking of a grand vision to remake himself into a music-performing Tron. Now, the elements of that vision are coming together, with a crowd-sourced funding campaign that ends today, Friday. Update: Apparently after seeing this story, IndieGogo extended the funding deadline for five days, with the new […]