“Why don’t you cover more…” “Why are you biased toward…” Vocal, or perhaps a silent minority or majority, readers have platforms they choose that matter to their art. In parallel with the sonically-inclined survey launched earlier today on Create Digital Music, we want to know what platforms you use and care about seeing covered on […]
Tired – LED Walls; Wired – Giant Fluorescent Tube Displays! Meet "I Am Display"
I AM DISPLAY from dada technology on Vimeo. “I Am Display” is 10,000 watts of lighting goodness, composed of original, handmade electronics and some 182 lighting tubes, deployed in a 13-meter length, which debuted early this year. I’m not entirely sure I follow the designers’ intentions here: There is a sense of inverted communication between […]
Get Counted: CDM Platform Census 2010
Image (CC-BY-SA) by opensourceway, who has a particular bias — but, as it happens, our poll can be returned on both of these devices. So there. We hear your opinions in comments (sometimes loudly). Now it’s time to be counted. Which computing platforms do you own, and which do you use for music – desktop […]
Free How-to on Circuit-Bending the Saw Vocal Recorder; Handmade Music Austin Sunday
“Your kids will love this Saw figure.” So, too, must have been the calculation of the person who decided to immortalize the film Saw with little toys and figures containing 30 seconds of voice recording, because this toy is now available in quantity for — wait for it — US$2. A $2, 30-second sampler? Now […]
iPhone Beats and Bass, Free This Week, More Fun with Mic Input on iOS
Ah, Mondays. If you’re looking for a way to brighten your work week and you’ve got an iPod touch or iPhone you can drop into your pocket, iOS music and audio developer Pulse Code tells us they’ve made four of its apps free for this week only, through August 8. That includes BtBx [iTunes], a […]
Music Hack Day London Registration This Week; Your Music Wanted
Music Hack Day from Your Neighbours on Vimeo. Music Hack Day rolls into London September 4-5 with a huge lineup, ranging from Domino Records to Queen Mary, University of London, and I expect some real work on music creation hacking, not just the Web. If you want to register, time is short – registration closes […]
MixEmergency, Serato-Driven Mac Visual App, Gains Loads of New Features
MixEmergency is a little-known Mac visual app, but it’s got a passionate following. (How do I know? I get excited shouts from them every now and then.) With so many options for live visuals, what would inspire such enthusiasm? Simple: MixEmergency, in addition to some powerful features, can integrate with real-time scratch moves from Serato […]
Making of Red Dead Redemption: Game Music Score as Interactive Collage
Sure, it’s a Spaghetti-Western-inspired soundtrack to the hit Rockstar game called jokingly by fans Grand Theft Horse. But to me, a richly-composed musical score for a blockbuster video game sums up a lot of where music production is at these days. Composed by Bill Elm and Woody Jackson, Red Dead Redemption gets a score that […]
More 3D Scanning: Etsuko Yakushimaru – Venus And Jesus in Video, Web
Kyle McDonald’s free 3D scanning techniques are spreading at near-viral rates. As seen here on CDM and in an Instructable, the technique now finds its way into a project for Japanese recording artist Yakushimaru Etsuko on her single “Venus & Jesus.” (I missed this some time ago, but it’s well worth covering, even late.) What’s […]
Free Generative MIDI with Cellular Automata, Built in AIR
Cellular AutoMidi is a generative music making app, making use of a modified version of the ever-popular Cellular Automata algorithm – a simple evolutionary model on a grid that works nicely for sequencers. (See, among many others, Lazyfish’s legendary NEWSCHOOL for Reaktor, and Audio Damage’s Automaton.) Cellular Automata is nothing new, but here, you get […]