Reason and Record Patching and Guitar, New Propellerhead Testing?

52 Reason and Record Tips Week 4 – Unlocking the Secrets of CV and Gate. from James Bernard on Vimeo. Reason and Record may lack plug-in support, but what they do have – open-ended patching between the available modules, in the tradition of analog synthesizers – opens up plenty of creative possibilities. The only sad […]

Forward-Compatible Effects: Use FreeFrame Plugins in FreeFrameGL with fugWrapperGL

An information-dense twitter tip from Bigfug has notified us of some great news for those who love FreeFrameGL’s high performance mojo, but are sad about all their great FreeFrame Classic (yes, I just made that nomenclature up) effects gathering digital dust. fugWrapperGL is a plugin which allows you to use FreeFrame 1.0 plugins in FreeFrameGL […]

Cubic Game Visualism: Awesomely-Inspiring Game Trailer from Gamma

4fourths – Game Trailer from Mikengreg on Vimeo. It’s been a long time coming, but there’s real hope that convergence of lovers of independent, creative game design with audiovisualist aficionados could bring us to a new, game-inspired visual age. Of course, a good way to start would be for some game designers to start to […]

Robotic Twitter Songwriter Generates Tweet Poetry

Marvim Gainsbug: the Twitter based Song Composer from jeraman on Vimeo. It should come as no surprise, but Twitter can compose existential nihilistic poetry. Just ask the creepy, detached voice of Marvim Gainsbug. The robotic, generative songwriter will produce a “song” from Tweet keywords of your choice. And be prepared for some finger snaps at […]

OSC Files: Play That Funky Music, Hexagons

Didgeridoo from bar|none on Vimeo. You can’t quite dance to it, but bar|none has a beautifully-shot video of a strange, invented instrument constructed with some of the technologies we saw last week. As noted then, new support for OSC in the powerful Kyma sound system means the ability to control imagined instruments in more sophisticated, […]

Magazine Cover Opens Imagined Worlds: Augmented Reality Publishing, Free Code

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough from Theo Watson on Vimeo. Augmented reality has inspired plenty of experiments, magazines included – some successful, some failing to get far beyond the gimmick. What’s nice about this work is that it introduces the concept of motion to the typically-static pages of print, and inspires readers to imagine a […]

One Man Band Watch: Gestures, TouchOSC, Pure Data, Breath Control, Oh, My

Every so often, I’m reminded of a simple fact: the greatest machine on the planet remains the human machine. So, yes, it may seem strange to one of the uninitiated to imagine strapping an iPhone to your wrist. And yes, musicianship in the digital age is partly about triggering, not just playing (though Onyx can […]

Single Shot Superheroes: OK Go on Winning at Internet Video. Jaymis on Creativity

Just in case you’re one of the few people on the planet who hasn’t yet encountered OK Go’s “Rube Goldberg Variation” video of This Too Shall Pass, let’s get that out of the way: As far as I’m concerned, OK Go are winning at internet video. From the self-conscious genius of A Million Ways, iterating […]

Music Game Revolution, Now Indie Friendly, as Rock Band Network Goes Live

They are the robots: Flight of the Conchords. Now, you are the robots, too, as Rock Band Network opens the indie floodgates to the music-distribution-as-game model. (And yes, you’ll get to sing along with the Conchords, too.) Photo (CC-BY-SA) kris krüg. Music games Rock Band and Guitar Hero are simple enough in terms of gameplay, […]

This Week at the Game Developer Conference, San Francisco, Push the Button

What can you do with this? Game designers and artists find out this week at GDC. (Pictured: my own submission, up close.) Why should Create Digital Music and Create Digital Motion (and, well, their editor) go to a game conference? This year, in particular, the annual gathering of game developers in San Francisco means a […]