Performing Audiovisualists: Visionsonic Festival Streaming Live, 29th-31st October

I think that live streaming will play a big part in the future of music performance. Having spent an entire year of my life driving and flying around just to be able to reach new audiences in a single country, it pains me to think how comparatively simple it would have been to organize streaming […]

Streaming Audiovisualism: Visionsonic Festival 29th-31st October

Speaking of live production and projection, French audiovisual festival Visionsonic 2009 starts today, kicking off with a live music/foley performance of The Odyssey of Rick the Cube. L’Odyssée de Rick le cube (extraits du spectacle) from Jesse Lucas on Vimeo. This year’s festival has an awesome international lineup, streaming for 20 hours in the next […]

Download (CC) Tracks, Vote Now for Efficient Music Competition

Ron from Indamixx has a mobile music making setup for a reason – it can run on Venice Beach, literally. Netbook + Renoise means this rig is a capable music production workstation. It’s nearly Election Day again here in New York. But it’s also Musical Election Day worldwide for the Efficient Music Competition with CDM, […]

Free Soundtrack for an Imagined Tron Movie: Rise of the Virals

What if, between the original classic Tron and the upcoming Tron 2: Legacy, there were another Tron movie, lost forever in cinematic history? Between the soaring score by Wendy Carlos for the original and Legacy’s Daft Punk music, what would the soundtrack have sounded like? Of course, it would have absolutely had some Journey in […]

Experimental Animation: Dreaming of Lucid Living

Yoo sends along this charming animation from CalArts Animation program student Miwa Matreyek, entitled “Dreaming of Lucid Living.” Merging digital effects with a silhouetted character, Miwa creates elegant shadow play. It’s not hard to imagine this kind of technique being applied to live performance – just look at the centuries-old tradition of wayang shadow puppet […]

Millennium Two. Decade One: Videos.Antville Votes on Top 101 Music Videos of the Decade

I have a pathological dislike of lists masquerading as blog posts. Too many “bloggers” spend a couple of minutes googling around on a random subject, find a couple of links, and then decide that they’ve collated the “Top 10 Best Navel Lint Collections“. That said, I’m all about the community-voted lists of awesome stuff, especially […]

Wherein the Wii Waggle is Wanted: Two Other Game Music Control Mappings

Imagine a nightmarish, dark-world, alternative-reality version of Wii Music, one that sends Miyomato-san screaming. That’s what you get from tokoloten, in a very un-Nintendo noise performance, as found on comments. The Wii is just one of his tools: tokoloten uses a variety of objects such as magnet motors, infrared devices, game controllers… in order to […]

More Fun with Facades: Apparati + Cosmopolitan Hotel

APPARATI EFFIMERI Cosmopolitan Opening from Apparati Effimeri on Vimeo. The Drive-In Movie Theater may be all but dead, but using facades of buildings as the new, architectural visual surface is very much alive. So, at the risk of this site becoming Create Digital Projection Mapping, here’s another beautiful work from our friends at Apparati Effimeri. […]

Make Noise with Circuits: Handmade Music Austin Video, Freebie Kit, More

Once upon a time, people made things from electronics. Boys, girls, laypeople made stuff. My Dad actually tinkered with Theremins growing up and subscribed to Popular Mechanics. Now, in an age of hyper-specialization, too many people assume that making sounds with geeky-looking, handmade electronics should be left to the pros. But give people some instruction […]

Raw: Wii Waggling Meets the Studio – in Gustavo Bravetti + David Amo + Julio Navas

Amo Navas Bravetti – Raw (live video) from Gustavo Bravetti on Vimeo. Sure, novel controllers are fun to watch, like our friend Gustavo Bravetti, driving a Brazilian crowd wild by waving his Wii remote live. But what if you can’t see the performance gimmick, if you’re just listening to the track? The pitch behind the […]