Human Synthesizer with Calvin Harris, Lots of Girls, Electric Ink: Behind the Scenes
Through the power of skin-safe conductive ink, Scottish electronic artist Calvin Harris has collaborated with a team to make a synthesizer out of himself and a group of models in bikinis. That’s just fine, Calvin – now what are you going to use for your remaining two wishes? The project is the creation of Calvin, […]
Video Tutorial: How to Control Ableton Live with Axiom Pro, Questions Welcome
Having full control of a complete mix and session from your MIDI keyboard – without having to move your hands to the mouse or shift your focus to your computer screen – can be an addictive, if elusive feeling. Here’s a look at one way to accomplish that objective using the new Axiom Pro keyboards […]
Tilt, Smack, Mash, Tweak: Ableton Live Jam with monome + nanoKONTROL
dromama from Altitude Sickness on Vimeo. Turning one knob and bouncing up and down may work for some, but virtuoso electronic performers want more live control out of music. Why? Because we have more fun. Raymond Weitekamp is a monome power user based at Princeton who has organized like-minded monomists. As with Edison’s performance work […]
Zoom! Squidy Brings Together Natural Interaction, Puts Standard TUIO on MS Surface
Ready to evolve past the mouse and keyboard? Squidy helps bind together all the possible “natural” user interfaces by putting touch, ink, speech, and vision and tracking together in a powerful set of libraries. In other words, if you’ve got a novel interface, Squidy will help you not only make sense of it, but use […]
The Zen of monome Performance: Edison’s Live Push-Button Music
edison…. new set up….! from edison on Vimeo. The open source monome, ingeniously minimal as it is, is just an object. It’s the community that has formed around this hardware controller, a simple array of light-up buttons, that has made monome a cultural phenomenon, by pushing performance practice. Using grids of simple music events, they […]
VJ Video Review: Uncompressed HD Mixing with Matrox MXO2 Mini and Laptops
Matrox MXO2-Mini review for VJs. Uncompressed HD mixing laptop to laptop. from vade on Vimeo. Enough of low-resolution hardware mixing. Our friend Anton aka vade has dreamed for some time of doing full, uncompressed HD mixing of two laptops. And he means laptops — not luggable towers or anything like that. It’s a common enough […]
Set Up Ubuntu Linux for OpenCV
OpenCV in action: Fungi by Todd Vanderlin. (CC) Linux can be an ideal operating system for visualists – with a little attention, anyway. Because it’s a free OS, you have a unique amount of control over hardware, and you can easily deploy your setup to any machine – perfect for last-minute computer changes for gigging, […]
Interactive Musical Whimsy, with Lightning Bugs: Mujik Free on iPhone
Float away with Mujik… from The Amazing Rolo on Vimeo. Musical technology is often designed to be “hard” in character. Interfaces are cold and technological-looking, futuristic like spaceships, or made to replicate antique gear to make guitarists feel nostalgic. Musical interfaces consciously avoid anything “childish” – calling something a “toy” being the worst possible insult […]
Music for Vending Machines: Alva Noto, Anne-James Chaton
The imagination of Carsten Nicolai, aka Alva Noto, is a special place. No matter how minimal, there’s always a subtlety to his beats. No matter how dry, there’s pleasure somewhere in the sounds. A love for technology, mundane and otherwise, is something of a cliche in electronic music, but Nicolai manages to throw himself into […]