New Teasers: Urs Heckmann Modular Soft Synth, and the Fairlight CMI Returns

In some of the news I’ve missed in the last couple of days are some unusual announcements. Urs Heckmann can be fairly considered one of the great soft synth designers, with accomplishments like Zebra. His latest, Bazille, like many recent soft synths, is a hybrid: FM synthesis plus phase distortion plus the obligatory subtractive synthesis. […]

Augmented Reality Music Mixer

I’ve been surprised how many augmented reality applications essentially forgo interactivity: that is, they overlay some graphics, but there’s nothing beyond that. As a musician or visualist, of course, you can easily think og so-called augmented reality as a different kind of controller – tracking a marker in space with computer vision and applying graphics […]

Dave Smith Tetra4 Synth: Compact Size, Quadruple the Mopho Pleasure

Quadruple quadruple your refreshment, quadruple quadruple your enjoyment… sorry, I started quoting old Doublemint Gum jingles. As expected, Dave Smith has released his Tetra (“Tetr4” in the l33t speak on the case). The name says it all: the Tetra takes the popular Mopho synth and packs four of them into a single, compact case. The […]

Hexagonal iPhone Sequencer-Rhythm Machine from Jordan Rudess

Dream Theater keyboardist Jordan Rudess and developer Amidio have made a crazy-looking hexagonal sequencer for the iPhone. It comes with plenty of samples and factory sessions if you just want to play around, but I imagine the greatest draw for CDM readers is that it allows exporting your own files via a WiFi server […]

Linux Music Workflow: Switching from Mac OS X to Ubuntu with Kim Cascone

Here’s a switcher story of a different color: from the Mac, to Linux. It’s one thing to talk about operating systems and free software in theory, or to hear from died-in-the-wool advocates of their platform of choice. In this case, we turn to Kim Cascone, an experienced and gifted musician and composer with an impressive […]

Squeeze Tech: Concertinome Combines Monome, Concertina

Finally, we’ve got a digital instrument you can squeeze. Arrays of buttons may be digital in character, but they’re not a recent invention. Combining the organic, physical gesture with precise control over pitch via some sort of actuator is part of the tradition of musical instrument design. So, strange as it may be, this hybrid […]

Apertus: Open Source Camera for Cinema

Okay, Apertus doesn’t actually look like this just yet. But you can shoot video using an all-open solution today – and that’s an encouraging sign for more ambitious plans down the road. Forget deeper philosophical or political arguments for a moment. Right now, the proprietary chain of technologies for video, from sensors to firmware to […]

"A Kiss From Tokyo" Retro Trailer Animates a Book

“A Kiss From Tokyo” Theatrical trailer from Stephane coedel on Vimeo. In the box, out of the box — in motion or still — part of what is exciting about the digital age as it matures is the ongoing blurring of lines between media. Digital art can rely on traditional media for input or output, […]

“A Kiss From Tokyo” Retro Trailer Animates a Book

“A Kiss From Tokyo” Theatrical trailer from Stephane coedel on Vimeo. In the box, out of the box — in motion or still — part of what is exciting about the digital age as it matures is the ongoing blurring of lines between media. Digital art can rely on traditional media for input or output, […]