Daito Manabe Makes Music with Parts of His Face

Facial music, indeed. Daito Manabe has made the music the controller and his face the controlled in a new project. (As several commenters were quick to note, I got this exactly backwards when I posted this a few minutes ago: his face is the output, and the music the input.) Daito Manabe is a Japanese-based […]

Projection as Augmented Reality: Mapping Magic, Made with vvvv

Conventional projection hasn’t come very far since the magic lantern days of a century or so ago. Projector + flat, rectangular surface = image. But naturally, with computers, it’s possible to do far more. The idea is to contextualize a projection in its surroundings, and give the illusion that instead of being simply a rectangular […]

Free OpenSoundControl on iPod, iPhone: Mrmr is Here

What if controllers were not only wireless and multi-touch, but could find software to control automatically, or share control between more than one person or more than one computer? On one-level, yes, Mrmr is a free and open source OpenSoundControl app for iPod and iPhone. But on a deeper level, it’s an illustration of how […]

Calling Samplers, Sharers: Creative Commons Now in SoundCloud

SoundCloud, the music and sound sharing service we saw launch this month has added a very important feature: support for different licenses. When you upload tracks, you can elect to protect your work with a conventional copyright or opt instead for a Creative Commons license. That’s an important feature I’d like to see all these […]

Cheap Gear: The $42 LCD Monitor Review (and Other Inexpensive Visualist Bits)

I’ve recently had another shipment arrive from previously mentioned purveyors of cheap gadgetry, DealExtreme (disclosure: Affiliate links used, if you buy stuff I get a (tiny) cut). Last time I write about the site, I noted that super-useful VJ things such as preview monitors weren’t available. They are now. As you can definitely tell from […]

Media Consumption: VideoThing on Boxee, the Open Social Media Centre

Over at Video Thing, Wiley is espousing the competition-winning Boxee – an open-source “social media player”, based on XBox Media Centre, and running on Linux, Mac, Windows, and in the VideoThing setup, AppleTV: I’ve been using an AppleTV since it was released. A device with great potential (cheap, HD enabled, great integration with iTunes) crippled […]

Next Stop, Dublin: DEAF Fest – Talks on Sound, BBC, Synths

Digging into sound: Mark Pilkington‘s photograph of the Daphne Oram archive from the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. The BBC legacy is just one part of an event on Saturday as we talk about the history and future of electronic sound. I’ve had some amazing meetings here in Berlin, with plenty to share with you over the […]

Pay for Play (or Upload): Will You Use Vimeo Plus for $60/Year?

It seems that it’s the season for subscription web offerings. Last week Peter documented the launch and premium packages offered by SoundCloud. Now CDMo’s favourite web video service Vimeo has just introduced a for-pay tier to their service: Vimeo Plus. For US$60/year you get a 2GB/week upload quota, HD embedding, priority uploading, more player customization, […]

Tuesday Night in Berlin: Dense Record Shop Gig and Get-Together

I’m thrilled to be here in Berlin this week, before heading to Ireland for Dublin’s DEAF Festival. (More on that shortly.) Tuesday night, I’m playing a set at Dense Record Shop, a wonderful record store that also does live sets and has its own bar. It’s a cozy, informal venue so if you are in […]

Sonic Life, Organic Game of Life Sequencer, Hits iPhone and iPod

The fever for creating pulsing, organic sequencers from the cellular automaton Game of Life continues. Now, you can get your Game of Life on with the iPhone and iPod touch, transmitting event control via OpenSoundControl. (Despite publishing this on the music site, this could be great as an additional modulator for live visuals with OSC-supporting […]