Spaces and Roots: Manipulating Sound with Processing + Touch, Tangible Interfaces

Musical Applications for Multi-Touch Interfaces from BricK Table on Vimeo. Across series of colored bars, sounds warp and mutate. Vines entangle as organic threads of music. Fingers and objects traverse sonic landscapes in surprising, mysterious ways. Welcome to the worlds of BricK, the musical table interface by Jordan Hochenbaum and Owen Vallis, which, charged with […]

tbeta: Open-Source Computer Vision, Multi-touch Sensing Follows Your Fingers

tbeta preview from ~ on Vimeo. Look out: multi-touch has a new rising star. The tbeta library (short, oddly, for The Beta) is an open-source framework for computer vision and multi-touch, and it’s particularly good at following your fingers. It’s a descendent of touchlib, with some of its ideas, though a completely new code base. […]

Processing 1.0: “We’re Out of Beta / We’re Releasing on Time”

Sorry, had to quote the Coulton anthem for Portal, “Still Alive.” Processing 1.0 has finished final release status. Why that matters, on Create Digital Motion: Processing: Revolutionary Creative Coding Tool Now 1.0, No Longer Beta In my mind, it’s certainly one of the most unusual betas in creative software history. Why this is important for […]

Buddha Machine 2: All-in-One $25 Ambient Box Gets a Sequel

  In the midst of the US election, I missed an important announcement: the smash hit Buddha Machine, a mysterious little $25 gadget that generates its own ambient music, has a sequel. You might think of Buddha Machine 2 as Buddha Machine Pro. New features: A bigger sonic palette, with nine loops Pitch bend (which […]

Processing: Revolutionary Creative Coding Tool Now 1.0, No Longer Beta

I heart Processing. Image (made with Processing, of course): (CC) Nik Rowell. The creative, visual development platform Processing has undergone what may be one of the longest, strangest betas ever – in a good way. What other “beta” has had tomes written about it, tens of thousands of students studying it (in some large programs, […]

Monster Hybrid Kaoss Pad 3 Electric Guitar; Zoybar Modular Hardware Platform

Find more videos like this on Zoybar Ziv bar Ilan, founder/designer of Zoybar, has created a “modular hardware platform” for creating custom electric instruments and effects. The fruits of these labors: an insane cross-breeding experiment combining a Korg KAOSS Pad KP3 with an electric guitar. The results look like something the evil supergeek in an […]

Create Analog Motion: Stroboscope Creation Animates Sequences, Syncs to Game Boy Music

The stroboscope, dating back to 1832, is likely the earliest animation device. This is motion graphics, 19th Century-style: rotating a series of images and sync the speed of the rotation so the observer sees motion. Modern hacker, bender, chiptune musician, and artist Gijs Gieskes has his own spin on the idea: he’s built an electronic […]

Giving Musical Thanks: Help Kick Off CDM Notes, Win T-Racks 3

Any holiday that’s an excuse to give thanks (not to mention, eat) is a worthy one, whether you’re an American or not. Photo ()CC) riptheskull/Dave. Thanksgiving is an American holiday on this international site, but the basic ideal for which the day has come to stand – giving thanks – is a noble one. So […]

CDM Holiday Guide: Thanks for Answers; Ads Close Wednesday 11/26

Thanks to everyone for submitting responses for the Holiday Guide. You’ll be keeping me busy this week – nearly 200 fantastic responses were submitted, which given the depth and number of questions we asked I find pretty impressive! If you’re interested in advertising in the guide, your ad will be exposed online in the main […]

Video: TouchOSC on iPod touch Adds Controls to ReMOTE SL Keyboard

Tom Phillipson sends us a really lovely video in which he extends what’s possible on a ReMOTE SL keyboard from Novation by adding the touch controls of an iPod touch. This is exactly what I’ve been talking about in terms of the usefulness of the iPod and iPhone apps: they’re a perfect, reasonably affordable (US$220 […]