Bandcamp versus SoundCloud: Online Music Sharing Services, Fight!

The wonderful wire to the ear beats me to raising the question of which online music sharing service should rule them all, Bandcamp or the just-public SoundCloud. I’ll be taking both for a test drive, but as I’m looking at them, any other services we should be considering for a prize fight? Any first impressions […]

Stylophone Coming; iPhone “Pocket Calculator” Covers Expected

It’s beginning to look a lot like Kraftwerk. December 1, you should be able to look forward to a simulated Stylophone app for iPhone and iPod touch. The Stylophone, for those of you unfamiliar with this classic, was a wonderful late-60s invention and a high-water mark for electronic instrument simplicity. Run a stylus across a […]

Theremin-Controlled Video Mixing, as Moog Meets VDMX

You’ve heard the Theremin as the eerily-beautiful musical instrument, but via the magic of pitch detection, it can be a controller for video, too. Sean McDonald of the Moog Foundation recently hooked up the original gestural, touchless controller to VDMX video software at the HATCHfest arts festival in Moog home base Asheville, North Carolina. The […]

Planetarium Projection "Necessary to National Security," Other Follow-Ups

Projection consultants Projector People weighs in on the McCain “overhead projector” attack; they’ve got an excellent round-up on the issue and all the coverage it has inspired so far as projection overlaps with politics: A $3,000,000 Projector? [Projector People Blog] And yes, as noted in comments, several of our Friends of CDMotion do VJ the […]

Planetarium Projection "Necessary to National Security," Other Follow-Ups

Projection consultants Projector People weighs in on the McCain “overhead projector” attack; they’ve got an excellent round-up on the issue and all the coverage it has inspired so far as projection overlaps with politics: A $3,000,000 Projector? [Projector People Blog] And yes, as noted in comments, several of our Friends of CDMotion do VJ the […]

Planetarium Projection “Necessary to National Security,” Other Follow-Ups

Projection consultants Projector People weighs in on the McCain “overhead projector” attack; they’ve got an excellent round-up on the issue and all the coverage it has inspired so far as projection overlaps with politics: A $3,000,000 Projector? [Projector People Blog] And yes, as noted in comments, several of our Friends of CDMotion do VJ the […]

RjDj Updates: Compatibility, Reliability Info

The creators of interactive iPhone music app RjDj have posted a quick update on their blog answering a number of questions readers have raised here. The easiest fix: if you can’t hear RjDj’s output, you need to use the official Apple headset and mic. Tougher, but in the works: iPod touch support, and a fix […]

Exclusive RjDj Interview: Interactive Music Listening, Everywhere You Go

It’s something we take for granted: listen to a track, and it starts at the beginning and goes to the end in a fixed length of time. Wonderful things can be done with music that way, and it’s the traditional model of composition and recording. But the equally old, if not older, tradition of improvisation […]

RjDj, Responsive, Interactive Music on iPhone, Now Available: Free – $3

A new generation of mobile devices is changing the way we hear music. Now we can say that, and not just be speculating are talking theory. The apps are here. Brian Eno had released a generative music album as computer software in the 90s. But this week, that idea hit a bigger audience when we […]

Radiohead Rap by Adam Buxton, Brilliant Commentary on Remixes and TV Rights

I can’t say anything this song doesn’t say brilliantly. Comedian Adam Buxton takes on the Radiohead remix contest with his own entry, which cuts through the hype brings a bit of wit to TV incidental music and remixing alike. And, really, how often do you get to say "Radiohead" and "rap" in the same sentence? […]