More on Adobe’s Pixel Bender in CS4 and Flash, GPUs, and Performance

Pixel Bender from Adobe is capable of developing all manner of filter eye candy, like these selections from users at the Pixel Bender Exchange (many of them free to use). In case you didn’t watch comments on my Pixel Bender preview, there was some good discussion, including Kevin Goldsmith, who manages the Adobe Image Foundation […]

More on Adobe’s Pixel Bender in CS4 and Flash, GPUs, and Performance

Pixel Bender from Adobe is capable of developing all manner of filter eye candy, like these selections from users at the Pixel Bender Exchange (many of them free to use). In case you didn’t watch comments on my Pixel Bender preview, there was some good discussion, including Kevin Goldsmith, who manages the Adobe Image Foundation […]

Apple Sees Light, Drops NDA; Let’s Start Talking!

To any of you who get tired of incessant griping, remember: sometimes, people listen — especially if the griping is well-reasoned and constructive. Such seems to be the case with Apple’s NDA on mobile application development. Apple announced today: …the NDA has created too much of a burden on developers, authors and others interested in […]

Covering Thom Yorke’s The Eraser on Monome, and an All-in-One Setup for Ableton Live

Reconstructing The Eraser with the monome from makingthenoise on Vimeo. Via Monome virtuoso Matthew Davidson (aka Stretta, the man who has built a lot of the patches that give the Monome its unique personality), here’s a video that really demonstrates how the Monome turns a set of buttons into a way of arranging and performing […]

Joys of Reaktor: How to Build Sequenced Instruments, Free Goodies, and a New Lazyfish Creation Teaser

Reaktor is a massively powerful toolkit for building instruments and effects, but that power can easily be overwhelming at first. Peter Dines has completed a five-part introduction tackling sequencing events. It’s one of the trickier bits, but also the skill that will help you have the maximum amount of fun. Be a Reaktor Sequencer Ninja […]

CellDS: Lua-extensible Grid Sequencer for Nintendo DS

We’re seeing all sorts of musical sequencer creations with grids, from software to hardware like the Monome and Yamaha Tenori-On. But, of course, the whole beauty of a grid is that you could map to it whatever you like. Maybe you want your sequencer to work differently than someone else’s sequencer. CellDS, from the creator […]

Cheap Pixels for Workflow Excellence: BenQ G2400W 24" HD LCD Monitor Review

One of my most important requirements for an effective working environment is pixels. The more I have, the more efficiently I can work. Starting in the days when dual-outputs required having an AGP and a PCI card working in tandem, and eventually bringing in multiple computers controlled via Synergy (on CDM) I’ve steadily upgraded to […]

Cheap Pixels for Workflow Excellence: BenQ G2400W 24″ HD LCD Monitor Review

One of my most important requirements for an effective working environment is pixels. The more I have, the more efficiently I can work. Starting in the days when dual-outputs required having an AGP and a PCI card working in tandem, and eventually bringing in multiple computers controlled via Synergy (on CDM) I’ve steadily upgraded to […]

Visual Space Music: Generative Audiovisualizer with Surround Projection in Jitter

mememamo writes in with his audio visual synthesizer exploration project, Visual Space Music. Visual Space Music is an interactive audio visual installation created in Max/MSP and Ableton Live. It explores the possibilities of space based audio arrangement and mixing. The user navigates through the virtual space, moving through and manipulating audio/visual synthesis objects, creating anything […]

An Attentive Flock of Mirrors, Built in OpenFrameWorks

Audience from Chris O’Shea on Vimeo. Chris O’Shea and rAndom International have completed a lovely installation at the Royal Opera House (UK). 64 mirrors move, each distinctively, to follow moving attendees who catch their “attention.” The installation is powered by Chris’ custom code and rAndom’s hardware and circuits, build on C++, OpenFrameWorks, and Intel’s ubiquitous […]