Aurora: Gorgeous, Open Source DJ-Style USB Controller; Details from the Creators
The Aurora 224 is a DJ-style controller geared for software like Ableton Live. The design is, as you can see, gorgeous: not only is it at the high end of aesthetics in open gear, but it celebrates its DIY nature by exposing the circuit board. It’s USB powered, and offers easy mixing control functions in […]
Non-Digital Inspiration: Flipbooks at Etsy
Lots of motion in the non-digital world can inspire digital visuals. (Hey, that pretty much sums up all digital photography and videography, eh?) Keeping with this theme, I’m really taken by the flipbook work featured by my friend Bre Pettis at’s online magazine: The Flipbooks of Etsy: Motion Picture Objects [The Storque] Bre has […]
Ableton Live Beer; Music Tech Beverage Nominees
Ben Rogerson and the blokes at Future Publishing / in the UK got a nice piece of swag: a Pilsner, to be specific. Thank UK distributor Focusrite for this one (which I assume means the brew has not yet graced Ableton’s office here in NYC.) They did miss the obvious opportunity to offer an […]
Theremin as AV Controller: Technical Details from Spacedog
You’ve heard the Theremin as a sound-making instrument. But it can be a MIDI controller, as well – an extremely sensitive and expressive one. Continuing our DIY round-up, here are the details in case you’d like to try it yourself. When we last heard from Sarah Angliss and Spacedog, we were introduced to their creepy […]
Orba Squara – Gravel: Detailed, Motion Tracked, Single Shot Music Video
Some lovely, light-hearted motion tracking and compositing here from Lovely Productions. ORBA SQUARA “GRAVEL” MUSIC VIDEO from LORCANFINNEGAN on Vimeo. Apparently for this type of head tracking you need 8-12 tracks to be visible. This was achieved using a skullcap covered with different colored balls.
ThingamaKIT: Thingamagoop Sound/Noisemaker Goes DIY
We’re celebrating 48 hours of DIY stuff here as we get ready for Handmade Music tomorrow night in Brooklyn! Thingamagoops are the friendly, optical emitter antennaed electronic creatures. Whether your cat / significant other / fan base would describe them as a sweet-sounding instrument, they do make a lot of noise and look cute in […]
Plant-Reactive Robots Play Bamboo, Chinese Instruments at Royal Botanic Garden, Scotland
THREE PIECES sound installation from Ziggy Campbell on Vimeo. Digital music is extending more deeply into the physical world, thanks to sensors and robotics. The result: gorgeous acoustic sounds as part of the lexicon. When we last spotted Simon Kirby and the Found Electronics collective, they were taking the tangible interface out of electronic music […]
Handmade Music is Tomorrow Night in NYC; Gestural DJing in Videos
View Larger Map A reminder to those in the NYC area: CDM again joins up with and Make Magazine for Handmade Music night, a relaxed meet-and-greet of music technologists and people who make noise with things they’ve made. Currently expected: Chiptune / game music stuff, including Peter Swimm’s littlepiggytracker setup, Harsid4U SID (a la […]