From STEIM’s Artistic Director: Why STEIM Matters, and Thanks

From the STEIM Concert Blog, which gives some sense of who has been playing STEIM. Takuro Maizuta Lippit, aka dj sniff, writes in thanks for the international outpouring of support for the STEIM music and art research center in Amsterdam, which faces potentially losing government funding. Some readers raised some questions about why STEIM is […]

Oddities: a MacBook Pro Has a Visual Conversation with a ZX Spectrum

Matthew Applegate sends this our way — it’s like two computers having a conversation, across epochs of computer history. The MacBook Pro is running a computer vision algorithm and "singing" notes based on colors it sees on the Spectrum’s screen. Maybe this will get your brain thinking of something new — file this under "really […]

Resources: Make Your Own vvvv Nodes

A vvvv-based Wii music patch, (CC) by illogico. Check out the thesis project. Visual patchers love the fact that they can create sophisticated stuff just using on-screen patch cords. But when you want to go beyond the capabilities of the default set of objects — and for solving certain problems more elegantly — code is […]

GrandVJ, All-New VJ App from ArKaos, Now in Beta

The successor to ArKaos VJ, a staple in early VJ application history, is nearly here. GrandVJ just hit public beta. GrandVJ is a complete, from-scratch rewrite of the app, with some new features — but still a nod to the simple, one-screen interface that made the original popular. You can now download a working demo, […]

eMotion, Lovely Particles Tool on Leopard, Now Available for Beta Download

eMotion – Basic particles tool example from Adrien Mondot on Vimeo. We saw eMotion last year — it’s a Mac OS-based 3D tool for particles and visual effects, with physics modeling, Wacom tablet control, input from sensors and OpenSoundControl, a text engine, and integrated Quartz Composer support. In other words: it’s a friendly tool for […]

New vvvv Beta Lets You Make Your Own Visual Plug-in Objects

The free (for non-commercial use), Windows-only, insanely-powerful visual/multimedia patching environment vvvv just got a killer feature: the ability to make your own "nodes" (what are called objects in some other modular tools). It’s actually pretty easy to build, too, and the developers have some templates for you. This is way up the list on my […]

Help Save STEIM, Dutch Music Research Center; Monday Deadline

Making new instruments from scrap at a junkyard challenge. Now it’s time to save STEIM from becoming scrap. Photo (CC) by termie. Just a "niche", eh? I can’t think of a time in recent history during which creative technology research was as profoundly relevant to mainstream design as it is now. Tangible interfaces, sensor-rich environments […]

Nintendo DS Scratching: New Protein DScratch Video Demo

DS music fans, I can’t add much that this video doesn’t show: think portable gaming, scratching goodness. New in this version, you can layer multiple instances of the modules to combine different "tracks" of sound — beats plus scratching, for instance. The video makes no apologies for editing or scratching ability, so no complaints, please. […]

Leopard Audio Woes and Digidesign; 10.5.2 is a Lemon for Music?

The more we learn about Leopard, specifically 10.5.2, the worse it gets. I don’t think there are any larger lessons to be drawn here, or meaningful platform discussions to be had. I think you should find a workaround and keep making music. Hey, I’ve been running Mac, Windows, and other operating systems (cough, yes, DOS) […]